I’ve seen the belted scarf look in magazines and on blogs. I finally tried it for myself.

The image on the right is from a Target ad. I think that model may have rubber shins.

Scarf and belt, Target. Sweater, Gap. Dress, I Heart Ronson. Tights, I don’t remember. Booties, Madden Girl. Bag, No Boundaries. Opal earrings, Native American store in the Three Rivers Mall.

I tried looping the scarf around my neck, like in the ad, but it looked bulky. The scarf is too thick or I’m too small or both. Even with the modification, I’m not totally on board with this look. I think it makes my boobs look funny and the view from the side is awfully front heavy.
What do you think? Is this a look you’d try?

I love the magenta with the lovely teal here, but I must admit, I'm afraid I'm too short to pull off this look, unless I found the perfect scarf. I'm loving the booties, too.
I've seen the trend quite a bit too. I'm not a fan, but I never do well with belts. I think it looks bulky and awkward.
However, you can pull off just about anything! I do love all the colors you have on today. They are very becoming.
I suspect the scarf might be too thick. The way she has it looped around makes it not hang as far below the belt too.
I wonder what kind of a difference belting closer to the natural waistline would make?
Very cute, love the colours :)
Wow, good job reproducing the look of the ad.
I would try it myself in the mirror, but I already have boobage issues, so it would have to be a pretty thin scarf. I could see it working well with a scarf that had ruffles along one edge so the ruffles could go down the middle of the chest. That way it might make more sense for the chest to look bulkier (or it might just look silly, but I'd be willing to try it).
Another thing to try might be criss-crossing the ends of the scarf under the boobs and then belting at the crossing point.
I don't think I could do this because, unlike the model, I have boobs, and even the thinnest of scarves or lowering the belt would still look ridiculous on me.
I would try this look but maybe with a thinner scarf. I think you look good in that although the look from the side is not as good as the look from the front ^o^ But I love the color combination you used, as always..you're the master of color pallette ^__^
love your tights! And the outfit looks great.
The colors are amazing, just yummy!
As someone else posted abouve, it might work if you lower the belt. Or maybe this is a "small boobs" look. From the front you look great though
Try moving the belt lower towards your waist instead of directly underneath your best. And this trend looks really good with more basic colors. I love the colors of your outfit though!
Love it! you look fantastic.
You're not too small, the scarf if too big. Try the same look with a lighter scarf and I think you'll be happy with the result! :-)
I tried it to with mixed feelings about it. I do ove the way it looks from the front though.
I think it's the color change of the scarf that's the problem here.
And why does the Target model have a third foot?
I think this would work a bit better with a thinner scarf. I actaully love the look from teh front on your, but the side is kind of bulky. I think a really thin scarf would eliminate that thou. You still look fab!
You pull it off well with your cute figure. And sheesh, that scarf and dress look like they could have come as a coordinated set. Love those colors! But I agree, I'm not entirely on board with it. It looks a bit... Fiddler on the Roof? I a totally cute way, of course.
Your attempt was much more successul than any of mine. I wonder what makes this so hard to pull off?
Hello! Love how you are recreating the pose - you did a great job. I also love how honest you are about trying something that looks good in print, but not in person....
I think it's a nice look, but personally I would be pretty uncomfortable trying to wear it all day.....once again, thanks for the honesty!
I don't think I would do it or pull it off. I think it looks too bulky or something for me to wear it. I'm always trying to give myself more of a shape and I think that look would not do much for me.
It looks cute on you! Of course, I've never seen anything that doesn't look cute on you. LOL
I'm definitely too booby for this. I think your belt is set too high - could you try lowering it to closer to your natural waist?
I do love the colours on you - so pretty.
You did a great job with the ad... and how you styled the scarf.
However being honest, I don't love it that much...
I think in my case I would try it but, being a short person i would try it with less colors so i would not look crowded.
I'm seriously thinking about trying this...I'm 12 weeks pregnant and we aren't telling anyone for another week...it's getting hard to hide and this look might just disguise the bump.
I don't know if I even have any belts that will fit around my rib cage though...I tend to wear all of mine on my hips.
Um yeah, what is up with Target girl's legs? You could send that over to Photoshop Disasters.
Not sure how I feel about the belted scarf. On one had it's cool, and I think you can pull it off, but on the other hand it reminds me of some kind of weird apron.
Between you and A. of Academichic, I think I'm now convinced to give this look a try. You inspired me to wear red and purple together yesterday for the first time in ages!
I've got this same look (but a different pic) bookmarked to try soon. Glad to see that I am not the only one that is a little concerned about the side view. Despite your reservations, I think you look lovely as always.
Hmm, I like this on you. It seems like something I might try UNLESS the scarf pulls down on the neck when you sit down.I'm working on my posture, and that would be a big no-no.
Suz from The Chandelier
You just gave me the inspiration for tomorrows outfit! Thanks!
I've done the belted scarf with a much thinner scarf in a similar way to you. The scarf I used was also a lighter material. I got a lot of compliments on it and I wore it with a little dress to balance it out. I belted mine under the breast area like a empire waist. Hope these suggestions help.
Great colors in the outfit! Its funny you post this because I was considering the same idea as well. I have seen several people pull it off greatly, but I think this isnt very much my style... Somehow it doesnt seem "right" on me... jeje.
I ***hate*** this trend. While I adore your blog and Academichic, A. has been trying it lately too, and every time I see it I just twitch a little. It looks so uncomfortable and it doesn't seem to do favors for any body type. Bleh.
As some others have said, I think this would look better belted closer to the waist. The model seems to have an awfully long torso, b/c the belt is above her waist, but there's so much space between the belt and her neck. Beautiful colors!
I love how you tried to pose in the same angle as the model. And that scarf is fantastic!
I love the colors! The scarf is my favorite part, you did it well.
I linked to this post in my blog.
it's ok but i agree, maybe belting at the natural waistline would make a difference, the model does have a longer torso but I think another issue is that the scarf is solid when it is crossing the "ladies" maybe an all-over print with a thinner more gauze like scarf belted at the waist would work.
I adore this color combination! I've been wrestling with this belted scarf business too. I keep trying it, feeling bulky, and then discarding it. I'm inspired to try again now, though, perhaps with a much thinner weight scarf?
- E of Academichic
Lighter open weave or try a soft lace. Also, something you might try is a shawl spread over the shoulders, draped and belted high for an empire waist. Tricky though - the shawl has to be just the right length or the look fails. Too much or too long, not so good.
I did this last night and it looked AWESOME !!! Thanks for posting.
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