
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

PUYV: Khaki & Olive "All Out"

Sweater and bangles, Body Central. Dress, Lani. Slingbacks, Linea Paolo. Bag, Target. Scarf, India.

Accent colors: pumpkin, pine, saffron, and wine.

In Style’s “all out” khaki and olive example

Once again, I’m drooling over In Style’s “all out” dress. It’s even got ball trim! But I like my dress too. . .perhaps there is pom-pom trim in its future.

Detail of the scarf and the bangles. I took the bracelets off when I got home and forgot to put them back on for pictures. But I did wear them with the outfit.

A previous Khaki & Olive “all out” look:

PUYV: Khaki and Olive "Medium"

Jacket, Esley. Blouse, Body Central. Skirt, Talbot’s (thrifted). Pumps, Delicious. Belt, thrifted. Bag, Target.

Accent colors: pumpkin, pine, saffron, and wine.

In Style’s “medium” khaki and olive example

Is anyone else confused by the color In Style calls “olive” in the palette box? I assure you, it looks just as brown in the printed magazine. As brown as my "not olive" shirt today.

And one crazy picture just for hanging with me

Previous Khaki & Olive “medium” looks:

Sunday, March 29, 2009

PUYV: Khaki & Olive "Soft"

Dress, Mossimo (swap). Jacket, Dex (swap). Sweater, Body Central. Boots, Diba. Earrings, Target.

Accent colors: pumpkin, pine, saffron, and wine.

In Style’s “soft” khaki and olive example

I’ll admit: I’m no stranger to khaki and olive.

If we “accented” our khaki and olive, though, it was with blood red

Nowadays when I wear camo, I wear it in only the most ironic manner. I’ve only recently acquired a few olive colored items: this jacket and the matching skirt. (Oh, and I can’t forget the olive uniform skirt that I now wear to work.) Khaki has fewer military associations for me.

Previous Khaki & Olive “soft” looks:

As you can see in the left photo, the much maligned yellow hallway was once orange or, as I christened it, “pumpkin puke.”

Saturday, March 28, 2009

PUYV: Stone & Gray "All Out"

Cardigan, Takeout. Sweater, Merona. Tank, No Boundaries. Skirt, Billabong. Boots, Playhouse. Hat, Nine West. Necklace,

Accent colors: lavender, blush, peach, and sky.

In Style’s “all out” stone and gray example

In Style also lists “washed indigo” as an accent color for stone and gray. I interpret that as “denim.”

Claire wears this cardigan in season one of Heroes, when she goes to meet her mother.

The day began cool and breezy, so I tied on yesterday’s scarf for some added warmth. And the necklace matches the earrings I wore on Thursday…but I never wear them together.

Previous Stone & Gray kind of “all out” looks:

I didn’t know whether to classify these as “all out” or “medium.” You decide.

Friday, March 27, 2009

PUYV: Stone & Gray "Medium"

Blouse, Forever 21. Skirt, Eddie Bauer. Wrap, Marshall’s. Peeptoes, Bitten. Bag, Express. Belt, Luxury Divas. Bracelet, New York & Company.

Accent colors: lavender, blush, peach, and sky.

In Style’s “medium” stone and gray example

Again, I’ve used accent colors a bit more intense than In Style’s pastels. I’m just not a pastel girl (except for pink).

A previous Stone & Gray “medium” look:

Thursday, March 26, 2009

PUYV: Stone & Gray "Soft"

Blouse, Forever 21. Skirt, Moda International. Peeptoes, Wild Diva. Earrings, Girl Shop. Flower brooch, Newport News. Bag, No Boundaries (yup, Walmart!)

Accent colors: lavender, blush, peach, and sky.

In Style’s “soft” stone and gray example

Initially, I was a little stumped with this palette, so I went though my closets and pulled out everything in gray or the pastel accent colors. I found I had gobs of gray and plenty of soft pink. I have some light blue clothing, but none of it is really pale enough to be called “sky.” My two lavender items (a tunic and a cardigan) have long since been culled from my wardrobe. (They made me look anemic.) And who wears the color “peach” anymore?

Looking through my blog history, I tend to pair my grays with bright colors like red, orange, and fuchsia. Pastels with gray remind me too much of my style in, oh, say, 1984? For some reason, everyone wanted to dress the little blue-eyed blond girl in the softest shades. I OD’d on pale colors by 6th grade and began shopping in the boys’ section to avoid anything remotely pastel. (The bib and sleeves on the pictured dress are actually a very pale pink. Blech.)

So, I plan to cheat a little on the Stone & Gray mixes and accent my neutrals with colors a bit more intense than the pastels. And you won’t see more than the barest smidgen of lavender.

You may notice that, in the last picture, the car in the background is gone. My neighbor Jimmy, and his entire family, exited their house via the front door and caught me taking pictures. I was mortified and hid until they had driven away.

A previous Stone & Gray “soft” look: