I guess I lied. You will see me wearing another purple item. I thrifted this lavender sweater at Valley Thrift on Saturday. Honestly, I think the color looks terrible on me. I’m experimenting with it over colors that flatter my face.
I wore my hair in a French braid all day today, with a headband to sweep back the wispies. I showed up at work at 7:30 a.m. with my hair braided and one of my coworkers asked if I did it myself. Ummm….who ELSE would be doing my hair that early in the morning?
Question: how often do you shop? You seem to have so many clothing items to coordinate, that fit, that aren't outdated. My closet has about 10 outfits in it (leftover from school where wearing the same outfit more than once every two weeks was a faux pas). I never seem to have time to go shopping, so I never have new items. So my question is, how often do you have to shop to keep your closet interesting?
Big question! Fair if I answer you in a formal post? I think my answer is too long for comments!
Hi, Kasmira!
I've just uploaded my links list (at last!), and wanted to let you know that I put a link to your blog too. :-)
Love your Green Theme for this week's outfits!
Very creative! ;-)
I love your hair in a french braid. I wish I could figure out how to do that!
I think the purple (well, mauve!) makes you look stunning, and it really brings out your hair color.
{I'd love for someone to braid my hair ANY time, let alone at 7-30am when I am not quite functioning yet..!)
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