
Sunday, January 31, 2010

January Purchases

I didn’t list this in my new year’s resolutions, but I put myself on a clothing budget. It isn’t an outright ban on shopping and it is still probably more than one middle-class person should spend per month. Since November, I’ve been on a $100/month diet. Starting this month, I’ll show you what I got with it at the end of the month. (Hopefully, this doesn’t peter out like last year’s Recession Challenges. I’m so ashamed.)

1. Twist Lace Overlay Blazer (Forever 21), $27.80
2. Shanti Studded Boot (Forever 21), $24.80
3. Troop Military Vest (Forever 21), $19.84.
4. Washi owl cuff (Pangaea), $30.67.

5. Fab Cheetah Skinny Belt (Forever 21), $2.50. I haven’t worn it yet. Doh.

The total was $105.61 (actually $120.01 when you add the tax and shipping from my F21 order). I’ll do better next month.

Speaking of next month, I’ve got my eye on a couple of pieces at JC Penney and I’m longing to do more than window shop Shock Boutique. What’s on your shopping list for February?

Friday, January 29, 2010


I nearly dressed in all black (save the dark denim) today. I’ve done all black only twice before on this blog (Black Black and Mourning) and I don’t make a habit of it.

Tank, Kimchi and Blue. Sweater, Charlotte Russe. Jeans, Express (overdyed). Heels, BCBGeneration. Cuff, Pangaea.

The cuff was a recent purchase at Pangaea. It is covered in a layer of owl-printed washi paper, protected by a hard, shiny resin finish. My camera battery ran down before I could get a close up of the bracelet, so I scanned the sucker!

I hope you can see the cute little owls, despite the glare.

I was saved from all black by colorful owls and red peep-toes.

Thursday, January 28, 2010

White Tights

Today’s title should be read with the tone and urgency of Gizmo’s “bright light, bright light!” White tights are as repellent to most fashionistas as bright light is to gremlins. I’m sure Stacy and Clinton would recoil in horror.

Sweater, vintage. Dress, Lipstick. Tights, Sock Dreams. Boots, Nine West. Necklace, Anthropologie. Bag, Nicole Lee.

Yes, that’s the bus schedule written on my hand.

I refer to the pose on the left as the “poop in my purse” pose. And while I’m being inappropriately candid, I’ll also admit that I cannot help but pet myself all day when I wear this sweater. Furry boobs!

I intentionally chose the white tights today to counter the somewhat stuffy sweater. I thought they added a casual, sporty vibe.

Last time I wore white tights, they received some negative comments. I admit that they can come off as juvenile and fattening. What’s your take on white tights?

White tights...
go with everything
are best left to the fashionably daring
should only be worn by children free polls

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Like a Bird

Someone once told me I looked like a bird. I took great offense at the comparison*, but today I’m dressing in what I think of as “bird colors:” brown and gray.

Cardigan, Forever 21. Blouse and turtleneck, Merona. Skirt, Peyton Place (thrifted and shortened). Tights, Target. Boots, White Mountain. Hair clip, 100 yen store. Scarf, swap.

I’m sure this will surprise no one, but I prefer to think of myself as a cat.

What animal are you?

*I was offended because I thought it was a crack at the shape or size of my nose. Bird face = all beak. I will admit that I have some magpie-like tendencies to hoard shiny things, but who doesn’t?

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Fell 4 Fashion

I’m continually finding new style blogs. I subscribe to them through Google Reader and follow along for a few weeks before deciding whether to add them to my blogroll. I don’t think I’ll have to keep Danielle of Fell 4 Fashion on probation for long. I found her blog only last week and have already copied an outfit. (Plus, she uses a number in place of a word in her blog name. How could I not love that?)

Jacket, Forever 21. Turtleneck, Gap (swapped). Dress, London Times. Tights, Apostrophe. Boots, Rampage.

Further on down: Hat, World Market. Coat, Guess. Bag, Deux Lux.

For some reason, this shirt makes me feel like a circus strong(wo)man.

I’m still wearing fleece pants under my skirts to go to and from the bus.

Thanks, Danielle, for the stripey inspiration.

Monday, January 25, 2010

To Match the Kittehs

Today the kittens visited the vet for their final round of baby shots. In honor of a break from needles and bills, I dressed to match the kittens in gray and green.

Sweater, Tricot Jolie. Tee, Target. Camo shirt, thrifted. Jeans, Dollhouse (overdyed with black). Loafers, AE for Payless.

Sammy thinks he is a kitten, too. He can’t wait for me to open the door to the kitten room (aka my closet) each morning so he can spend the day chasing and snuggling the wee ones.

While waiting for the vet, we played “doctor.” I think the kittens preferred my treatment to the shots the real vet had in store. (Click to enlarge and see Walt’s mighty fangs.)

We’re all thrilled that we don’t have to go to the vet again until March, when the boys will get their balls cut off. Hooray!


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Actor On the Go

Angie has a list of flop proof casual outfits for the Mom-on-the-go. I’m no mother, but my requirements for play rehearsals are similar. I need my looks to be layered, comfortable, and washable. I prefer them to also be playful, interesting, and colorful. Finally, I try to add at least one structured element to pull it all together. One of my go-to’s is a miniskirt plus leggings/tights, flats, and a jacket.

Jacket, Tommy Hilfiger (thrifted). Striped cardi, Old Navy. Tee, American Apparel. Mini, American Standard Tyte (thrifted and overdyed). Leggings, Danskin. Boots, Diba.

This is my shirt from last year’s Flying Pig. I’m training for the half marathon again.

The mini might strike some as an odd choice, but I find short skirts very comfortable and, with leggings underneath, adequately modest.

More of my “uniform” (with a few variations):

This combo is also one of my favorites for a long day of shopping.