I occasionally get questions from readers on where I get my inspiration. Obviously, magazines (Lucky and In Style) are big sources as are other style blogs (see my blogroll on the right) and Wardrobe Remix. Sometimes, I play a little game with my wardrobe for inspiration. I pick an item that I love but feel is currently underutilized, and then plan an outfit around it. Today’s inspiration was this purse from Forever 21.
I really like the way this outfit turned out. The three brights (orange, yellow, and green) would seem excessive against a purely neutral outfit. However, against a backdrop of rose and brown, the brights lose some of their flash. Some people will no doubt disagree, but I think the ensemble looks good even without the bag to tie it all together.

I had to show you that the blooming trumpet vine matches too!
Oh, I love this one!! What great pumps.
Argh, I guess I'm one of the ones who disagrees. This outfit just looks so sloppy and less polished than what you usually put together. I don't see the three brights against the muted background as much as ALL BRIGHTS! Maybe it would have gone better with a neutral shoe? I do LOVE the purse though.
it's funny that girls trade/borrow shoes. i've inherited and passed on many many pairs over the years. my husband thinks it's completely gross. i suppose if you think about it, putting your feet in used shoes is kinda icky. but who cares as long as the shoes are cute? :)
I think the orange shoes with the brown pants throws the look off. It's too much of a contrast. I agree with the other poster who said to try it with neutral or tan shoes to soften the look up a bit.
I love love love this outfit. I really like how the bag ties all the colors together. And I like the orange shoes. In fact, my dinning room is going to be that color orange very soon :) Orange makes me happy, almost as much a red.
BTW-the above deleted comment was me. I wasn't logged in and don't like being anon :)
I've been visiting your flickr, your cats are so lovely!!!
Kises from Buenos Aires
I love this outfit, minus the yellow bracelet because it looks like huge teeth to me. I love the color mix of the rest of it, and love the purse.
jody - LOL! Now I will see huge, yellow teeth whenever I look at this bracelet.
all - I can't tell you what fun it is to wear something a little contentious and then hear your feedback!
I definitely enjoy this outfit--thought you can almost divide you in half (ouch!) for two different color effects. The brown/orange/yellow + purse is a different look than the pink/green/yellow + purse. But if anyone can pull it off, you can :)
oddly enough i'm wearing a very similar multi-color scheme today. minus the yellow teeth.
I do the same thing -- pick an underutilized item and design around it. I'm so envious of this green jacket; it looks great with everything you've paired it with. By the way, I joined Wardrobe Remix.
LOVE this purse! No way it was Forever 21!
However, I must say I think the pink and orange together are throwing me off....I think I personally would like better with a neutral shoe or tank and just not those 2 colors together.
I tried so hard to like this outfit. But in the end - for me - it was too much and too all over the place. My eyes kept bouncing up and down trying to decide what tied everything together. Am so tickled you are as brave as you are to try all these looks. I wish I could be as much as a risk taker.
Great outfit! I really liked the combination of all the colors!
I was inspired by your color scheme, minus the orange. Had dinner plans with friends and changed into a green dress (from F21 no less), cream cardi, yellow purse (sans teeth) and floral print wedges. Love the idea of the solids matching the colors in the print bag!
i love your purse - so pretty! nice color combi but not with orange shoes. you can carry if off though..
Fantastic purse!!!
Love, love, love this outfit, the colors are wonderful. I might have to steal this whole idea!! Hope you don't mind.
would be perfect with muted yellow shoes
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