Shirt, Mossimo (thrifted). Tank, No Boundaries. Skirt, London Jean. Leggings and sunglasses, Xhilaration. Boots, Dan Post. Bag, Mossimo. Pendants, Phai’s House of Jade.

Only, now, I’m way dorkier. I wouldn’t have believed it possible back in 1993. Isn’t the future amazing?

Photos by Beefy Muchacho
1993 was a /very/ good year...I wonder if when I was born my mom dressed me in flannel?
You look great! I love the last picture.
I had a flannel shirt that was pretty similar to that back in 93 or 94, and since I wore it with matching bright red jeans.
um..LOVE IT! My 1993 post http://alittlefamilyafterall.blogspot.com/2010/07/1993.html
what a bright, fun throwback!
I love the print mix!
Chic on the Cheap
Oh 1993.... I was just out of high school...
I don't usually go for flannel, but I like what you've done with it here.
Love it, I too am having a grunge phase and better start posting them!
I was out of town for almost 2 weeks and all i wore were black leggings, boots, concert tees and plaid shirts!
well I do love the leggings and boots especially!! You always have great combinations!! xxo J
1993...Seattle...flannel and combat boots...sometimes purple velvet & combat boots...good times.
You're sure rocking those funky red glasses!
LOVE the tights!
Oh my goodness I love love love this outfit! I would rock this in any decade ;)
I can't tell you how much I miss grunge sometimes. Back in the day when thrifted Levi's boy's jeans some indi concert t-shirt, a flannel and my fake docs (real ones cost too much) was dressing quite fashionably. :)
the fuck? i was born that year
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