I’ve lost my receipt, but I estimate I spent about $70 on these two items.
1. Harve Benard mod skirt.
2. Tri Collections plaid poncho.

December total: $70.00
Total spending for the year: $1493.14.
I spent $1540 in 2011 and $1701 in 2010 (with the same goal of $1200 all three years). As a result of having a budget, I’ve gotten better at keeping my purchases in check, but $100/month is still tough. For 2013, I’m increasing my budget to $120 a month. I decided on the new limit based on monthly budget recommendations, my current income, and the importance of appearance in my new job (in the beauty industry). If $1440 had been my yearly budget for 2012, I would have been very close!
What did you wear on Christmas Day? Why no post?
I was alone most of the day...I think I just wore pajamas. Beefy worked.
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