I haven’t worn anything but athletic/lounge wear and sneakers in over a week. I haven’t put on a pair of skinny, high heels in even longer. I’ve almost forgotten how to walk in them. I’ve definitely forgotten how different the world looks from almost four inches higher in elevation.
i dont know how you do it on a daily basis!
the BF + i met my parents for dinner saturday night -- i decided that since i only had to walk 2 blocks from the metro to the restaurant that i would wear my gorgeous new skinny-high heels. after all, i would be sitting all through dinner...
somehow, the walk back to the metro after dinner was slow and painful, with me leaning on dear BFs arm most of the way, and by the time i got home, i was almost in tears!
i love the look of heels, but walking in them is a much different story!
evanadine - well, I sit at work, so it really isn't too bad to wear high heels. The most walking I do in them is to and from the bus stop - and I wore my galoshes outside today because of the mud. Ballet flats are always great to carry in your bag in case of a high heel emergency!
I had that feeling this morning too! I've been in flats the past week and a half.
i also sit at work most of the day + i always wear flats or sneakers into/out of work. sadly, i can barely make it to the restroom or the cafeteria while im actually wearing my heels.
*le sigh*
Come ON ladies--heels can be your absolute best friend! They make you look great, slimmer, sexier, more confident, everything--learn to walk in them, the more you do it, the less it hurts. I consistently wear 4-5 inch heels every day--it's such a rush to tower over the boys...
olive -- i completely agree with you! i LOVE the way i look in heels!
unfortunately, within an hour, im limping and cant stand upright, and it takes me 2-3 days for my feet to recover!
Your outfit is Fab. You remind me of Audrey Hepburn.
Kasmira, you look so awesome in heels. Do you ever worry about them messing up your back?
Kelley - I've only had back pain once while wearing my heels: after lugging a heavy duffel bag across the UC campus and then home from the bus. I switched to a backpack for the duffel bag items the next day and haven't felt a twinge since!
I think being bag smart and keeping stomach and back muscles strong prevents injuries from wearing high heels.
Such a lovely, ladylike outfit! I love heels but I rarely wear them...it's too hard to lug all my books and my computer to class in anything other than flats!
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