First, I hit up the shoe section. I used to think thrifting shoes was really gross. I still do. But it’s less gross if you look for a gently used pair. You never know what you might find. My Ferragamo flats are from another Sacramento Goodwill and my Style & Co boots (that I wear ALL the time) are from a thrifting trip with Reva in Cincinnati (and also purchased at a Goodwill).

I tried on a couple of pairs but didn’t keep either. The heels were too similar to a nicer pair I already own and the wedges were stiff and uncomfortable.
Beefy needed a red tie to coordinate with my dress for a wedding. It makes so much financial sense to thrift a tie. $3.19 vs $50? The variety is better than a department store. And, barring the odd gravy stain, ties remain in good condition after years of previous ownership. I chose the middle tie for Beefy.

It sounds rather privileged to say that I thrift for the weird stuff, but it’s true: I thrift for the weird stuff. And some of the weirdest stuff can be found in the blazer section. Sometimes it’s a wild, paisley velvet blazer. Sometimes it’s a homemade kimono-style jacket. And what are the chances of finding another crazy, kimono-esque topper? It must be my lucky day.

My favorite sweaters are thrifted. I’ve had especially good luck finding nice sweaters in Sacramento, where they don’t get worn much. I admired the real fur collar on the first sweater and had to try on the owl sweater (even though owls are passe).

In the corner of the second picture, you can see just a hint of another wild beauty I tried on!
I’m not sure where I find more crazy - in the blazers or the skirts. On this trip, however, I did not find any bizarre skirts. But I did find a few, long plaid skirts, which are one of my weaknesses.

Dressing Room
On Snapchat (whatiwore2day), I live snapped all nine garments I tried on. I don’t have pictures of the indecent vest or boring green cardigan, but here are the other seven items:

The striped sweater was too tight, but the Hawaii tee was just right

My hands were too big for the owl sweater. The skirt wasn’t dramatic enough to join my long, plaid skirt collection.

I may have fallen in love with the multi-patterned kimono top. It is my art teacher fantasy come true. (In this fantasy, I am an art teacher. Not doing an art teacher.)

Both the down puffer vest and rainbow afghan sweater were too big. Sad face.
My final clothing selections:

Now, on to . . .

I’m on another mission for Beefy: large cereal bowls. He wanted to order them online but I insisted on looking at the thrift store first. I have a blue and white dish theme going on. But first, I got distracted:

Perfect for whiskey sipping!
Then, I found the blue and white (and tertiary colors) bowl bonanza and headed to the checkout.

I’ve already broken that first bowl. The dropsies + tile floors are another reason to thrift dishes
My total (after rounding up for charity): $18.00. I brought my own reuseable bag and asked the clerk to wrap my dishes in the clothes. Aside from my treasures, I was satisfied with two hours of entertainment and zero waste (other than the gas I used to drive to the store). Thrifting is cheap, clean fun.
Check back tomorrow to see me wearing my new items!
looks like a nice big store. Too bad about the red and white sweater.
The store is nice and new! And the sweater was sort of itchy.
It looks like a big store ! I'd be happy in there :)
I love your final purchase, the kimono specially.
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