Friday, January 02, 2009

Recession Challenge: Make Your Own Brooch

Ahhh…2009. Somehow, ringing in the New Year didn’t seem as sweet against the backdrop of unemployment and economic depression. At risk of sounding hopelessly Pollyanna-ish, I’m going to join a number of other folks in suggesting that the economic situation is an opportunity; it's a chance to do more with less.

In that spirit, I will post a challenge each month in which I’ll ask my readers and fellow bloggers to do more with less in their wardrobe. It might be refashioning pieces you already have or creating something brand new with a few items from the craft store and your junk drawer.

The January challenge is to make your own brooch. Yesterday, I wrote about the great ways you can wear a brooch. What I didn’t mention, though, is how easy it is to make your own. You can buy a great big box of brooch fastenings at your local craft store for a couple of bucks. Your imagination (well, and weight) is the limit as to what you can glue on the front. Inspiration items might be a poker chip, dyed feathers, a collection of unmated earrings, or a silk flower. I’ve even made a brooch by gluing two pin backs to an appliqué.

As you complete the challenge, either leave me a comment or send me an email. If you blog about your creation, send me the link. If you’re not a blogger, feel free to send a picture and/or description and I’ll include it in the final round-up at the end of the month.

I’m so excited to see your beautiful brooches!

P.S. And I resolve to post the challenges by the first of the month of all of the coming months.


Anonymous said...

Love the idea of the Recession Challenge each month. Now I need to get my creative juices flowing on what kind of brooch to make.

Emma said...

That is a great idea ! I just bought a bunch of jewelry making supplies at the craft store and made necklaces for everyone on my Christmas list !

Kayleigh said...

Ooooh, this is a SUPER idea -- both the monthly challenge theme over all and this first particular challenge.

I've made jewelery before and even a couple brooches, you're SO right, it's relatively easy. I can't wait to get started on one for this (and to see what challenges you come up with next!)

Great stuff, very timely :)

iain russell said...

Deborah-lee said...

Oh fantastic idea!

I recently bought a packet of odd buttons from a craft store for $1 with the view of making some kind of brooch. Now I think I'm going to have to be a bit more creative than just gluing a brooch back onto one!

Can't wait to see everyone's submissions.

lorrwill said...

How much time do we have for this? I have a gazillion ideas and some supplies even but I am in the throws of sewing a skirt suit at the moment...

lorrwill said...

oh DUH, helps if you read AND comprehend. The month. ok got it.
Brain fart brought to me by sleep deprivation. yeah, that's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

Sheila said...

Great idea! I'm doing my own personal year-long challenge, riffing on Jane's (workthatwardrobe) personal challenge last year.

Looking forward to making a funky brooch!

Cathryn said...

I accept your challenge!

Deborah-lee said...

Oh, I think I'm done.

I decided I was going to make something with all the bits and pieces at home. After mucking around for about an hour I made something "wearable".

Then in a moment of inspiration I spent about a minute making something out of the scrap aluminium wire I was working with! I then decided to google wire brooches and found a style I basically ripped off!

Now I have a heap of brooches *grins*

Auset's Stitched Treasures said...

Hello there. I love this. I am a true refashionista at heart. Here's the link to some of the "brooches" I've done.

Deborah-lee said...

I've finished mine! It can be found at

I changed the layout of my blog and it seems to take a while to load the background graphic. If it keeps doing that I'll change it! Just give it a few seconds to load so you can read the damn thing!

Anonymous said...

I just added pictures with a sunflower brooch I made several years ago:

I think I might make another brooch soon, if I can get to the fabric store to buy some brooch pins.

lorrwill said...

My first one is up on my blog.
I have a few more to put together in the same vein.

I also have a filigree (Michelle Obama) knock off idea but that is going to have to wait for awhile. I haven't even had a chance to being to find the beads for it yet.

lorrwill said...

The second one is up on my blog.
Oh girl, see what you started.

Cathryn said...

I got crafty and made my brooches this past weekend: