Friday, February 06, 2009

Changed My Mind

Crochet-top dress, Moth. Missoni-esque dress, Lipstick. Boots, Diba. Bag, Prague (thrifted). Earrings, Pangaea. (And I apologize to Pangaea Trading Company for misspelling its name so often. I knew there was an extra “a”, but I was sticking it in the wrong place.) Crazy expression, all me, baby.

The dress looks more green than blue in the photographs today, but I think that is just due to all the yellow light bouncing off the hallway walls. I think you get a better idea of the color looking at the last time I wore it.

New boots alert! I’ve been on the lookout for very tall, brown, casual boots for some time. I found these on My favorite part about them is that they are fake suede. I know some people would be very disappointed to receive shoes not made out of genuine animal skin, but faux suede is one of my favorite materials. It’s warm, has great texture, and CAN GET WET! I can’t tell you how anxious I get even drinking water around my blue suede booties. (I am a very messy drinker.) Fake suede may not keep you feet dry in a rainstorm, but the shoes will dry again without a mark. My gray, slouchy boots by White Mountain (worn in the outfit below) are also imitation suede.

Now, you all know that I am a little OCD and plan my work week outfits on the weekend before, to include trying everything on and selecting a handbag. The outfit to the left was the original choice for today. When my new boots arrived earlier this week, though, I decided that I wanted to wear them today with a bit more casual ensemble. And I’m always up for a little bit of dress layering experimentation. What do you think? Should I have stuck with the original plan?

P.S. The blouse/dress layering was inspired by the way Londyn wore my dress.

Which Friday outfit do you like best?
The one you wore
The one you were gonna wear free polls


Kathleen said...

I love the way you did this - just wanted to share that as a plus size 40yo you have been such an inspriration to wear my clothes in new and different ways and taught me how to wear my summer wardrobe year round. I wore a shorter dress over a fuller longer skirt and it was such a hit that I got 3 more dresses last week from ebay to try to incorporate more dressier looks at the office! Thank you!!

tooblonde1 said...

These looks are both fabulously different! I love today's look for casual friday when the rest of us are in jeans. So will the original plan be monday's outfit then? =)

Unknown said...

i love your blog. but sometimes i get the urge to go shopping after reading it. i can't save money AND go shopping... shopping makes me spend. even it it's a small amount. it's still more than i should have spent.

Kasmira said...

tooblonde1 - I'll probably save the second look for a few weeks...maybe even a few months so that I can wear a bright pump with it instead of boots!

zeghsy - *sigh* yes, that's the peril of style/fashion blogs. I never would have bought those navy, studded Oh Deer! shoes if I hadn't seen them on another blog.

SHOEGAL said...

Love the boots and I liked the outfit you actually wore better.

I've tagged you on my blog.

Adele said...

My outfits-of-choice normally include skirts and boots (my hubby approves too!) I think those boots are fabby...very sexy! ;-)

The Cocoa Goddess said...

Uber-cute boots! I also love the layering in how you wore the dress - a great way to use the pattern in the Missoni-esque dress in a new way.

Nia said...

LOVE the boots!!!

Tamia said...

*gasp* You plan your outfits for the week? I thought I was the only one who was that anal! Definitely helps when I'm not as..err...lucent as I should be in the morning.

Kasmira said...

kristenwords - I'd rather not discuss the products I use on my blog, but I'd be happy to dialogue with you in email. Please send me your address.

Anonymous said...

i actually love the outfit you actually wore so much that this week on ebay i bought the blue dress from anthropologie, and after MUCH searching found a reasonably priced zig-zag dress that hangs about an inch and a half to two inches below the other dress' hemline. & I LOVE IT! thanks for the inspiration!