Saturday, April 04, 2009

Butt Shot

Hat, Pangaea. Sweater, Bitten. Tee, Merona. Scarf, Images (gift). Jeans, M. Boots, Playhouse. Earrings, Target.

I didn’t intend this to be a post dedicated to my butt. But (ha, ha, pun!) the back shot turned out to be the most interesting.

See? The view from the front was boring, and surprisingly less flattering.


Unknown said...

own... your scarf are so cute... i love your look

Rosie Unknown said...

Love the hat!

Sheila said...

Awesome jeans - and you look so cute in casual wear.

YankeeClipper64 said...

Stylish, Genuinely Casual...and just plain "Smashing" :)

Anonymous said...

What a relief to go casual on the weekends :) You pull off casual style so well!

purplesweettarts said...

Love this look! Let me ask a question, I love the look of the scarf (just blogged about scarves!). Do you wear your all day? Or take it off when you get to work? Just wondering, cause I usually wear mine all day, but sometimes I feel a little funny doing that, like people are wondering "why is she wearing that inside". I know it sounds silly but I love the scarves and I just want to make sure I am wearing them right!

Kasmira said...

purplesweettarts - it depends on the weight of the scarf (I'm more likely to wear a lighter scarf indoors), the temperature inside, and what I'm doing (I'll wear a scarf if I'm just sitting, but not if I have to do something active).

I wouldn't worry too much if you're wearing your scarf "right." If you like it and feel comfortable, wear it!

purplesweettarts said...

Thanks for the advice. And I agree! Sometimes it's just nice to hear it from someone whose style you admire,