The most valuable thing I’ve learned in my photography class so far: the difference between the camera’s different metering settings. The default is matrix (or “multi-zone” or “evaluative”) which samples multiple places in the frame to determine the exposure. For my outfit photos, center-weighted might be a better metering option because the exposure is set to what I’m wearing, not the wall behind me (as long as I fill the center of the frame).
Now I’ve just got to remember to reset the white balance when I photograph indoors to offset the yellowish indoor lighting. I correct what I can in Photoshop, but the overall result is still a little too warm.

What beautifully rich colors! I love this outfit!
You have changed the way I look at clothing and photography is such an awesome skill to acquire. I'm learning more each day and thanks for sharing some tips here as well.
I *love* those two necklaces together! I think they also do a good job of making sure the jacket remains interesting but doesn't take over the entire outfit.
Is your hair up in the 'lazy girl's updo'? It looks great! I have very long hair and have not really mastered wearing it up on my own. I'm going to have to give the l.g.u. a try. :)
LOVE the purse!!
Another great outfit. It reminds me of a smooth oil painting. Thanks for the helpful photography tips also.
jess - yes, it is the lazy girl's updo, but it's actually secured with bobby pins and the "tail" is tucked inside so I guess it's really a french roll. :) The feather-tipped stick is purely decorative this time.
what a beautiful outfit :) & I love the bag :)
Nice jewel tones!
Your face looks like a ghostly yellow in the full length pick. Is that camera weirdness? I mean, I know it is because I know you don't have a weird face, but it kinda looks like your face is painted with yellow grease paint.
when I saw your post-- my first words were "WOW"
J - it's just the color of the light. My face is so white that it picks up the yellow. But who cares about my face as long as you can see the clothes!
I'm so in love with this outfit!This jacket is so ...juicy :)
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