I’m sure this annoys the people of Salt Lake City, but I couldn’t help but sing Sal Tlay Ka Siti on the way there and look for the friendly warlords, golden thatched roofs, and “red cross on every corner” once we arrived.

Sweater, INC. Shirt, Mossimo (thrifted). Jeans, Paige. Boots, Style & Co (thrifted).

Love the jeans.
Given how infrequently you wear jeans (at least in the outfits you post here), I was surprised that the ones you have are from a premium brand. Did you thrift them?
I don't know what that song is from, but the scenery is certainly safari-like. Your outfit looks like a cross between Oklahoma (the musical) and the Lion King or something =]
No, I bought them new. I never wear jeans because I have so much trouble with fit. Readers suggested I might have more success with a premium pair, but I find I still have to constantly hike them up!
City leopard with your cowboy plaid = all kinds of good. (city leopard = oxymoron??)
I do believe that city leopards roam the urban jungle.
Look at you going all Preppy Chic! I find that low waisted jeans, no matter the brand, have to be hiked up. A higher waist jean seems to stay put.
Ohhh....! Love this look! I may have to copy.
You look amazing by the way, so sleek and sexy. Work those jeans girl!
Such an unusual look for you, but wow, just as stunning as always. Love this.
You're in my neck of the woods! Business or pleasure? I honestly don't think I've even heard the song you are referring to. Outfit is fun as always - love the plaid + leopard.
I saw the Book of Mormon in NYC last December, and after reading your post I'm happily singing along to the soundtrack now. Thanks for bringing back great memories!
Loving the wash on those jeans, good find!
Charlotte - it's from The Book of Mormon (musical). Salt Lake is half way between Sacramento and Denver (our destination), so we stayed the night.
Yay!!! Thanks for bringing back good memories of a hilarious play!!!! You are amazing, as usual.
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