It’s cloudy and cold. I’m trying to brighten the day with my outfit. Whenever I wear these shoes, my coworkers comment on their cheerfulness.
My kitties love to get into my outfit photos. Whenever Monty sees me standing in this corner, he scratches on the closet door until I open it. He may or may not go inside, only to scratch from the inside if I close the door again. I quickly tire of this game. I’ve found that if I grab the offending cat and make him pose for a picture, he usually runs away as soon as I release him and bothers me no more.

By the way, this marathon training is starting to seriously cramp my style. Today's run was 7 miles. SEVEN MILES. Who has time to work full-time and run seven miles? I took an extended lunch to squeeze it in. Next week, Wednesday runs bump up to eight miles.
Goo luck with the marathon. Are you running a full or half? Will you post pics of your running outfit? Which marathon is it? If it's the Flying Pig, maybe I'll see you on the starting line!
Damn my inability to spell...Good not Goo :-)
Running the 1/2, but training for the full. (I wanted to run the full, but I have a matinee performance that day). My running outfits are heinous and will not be posted. It IS the Flying Pig.
LOVE the outfit!! LOVE! I must admit that I usually don't much care for the yellow shoes, but for some reason I just love the yellow with the blue and fushia. With matchy shoes the outfit would probably look okay, but the yellow definitely adds something. In the wrong proportions, those colors could look so 80s (especially with a chunky white necklace), but they look really fun in this combo. awesome outfit.
I love this outfit!! You are right that it brightens!!
I am running a half on Sunday! I didn't even know you were training for a marathon! Keep us posted on how your training goes!
O my, I think I may have struck gold on finding your sight, your style is SOOOO cool. You rock every single outfit.
Love this outfit. Also, most people I know who train for marathons run in the evenings, not on lunch breaks. How do you go back to work after running 7 miles?
Anon- I've worked out at lunchtime for 6 years....so I didn't want to change it up just because I was doing a different sort of training. We have a gym and locker rooms at our office, so I can shower before returning to my desk.
I might try running in the evenings or mornings when it heats up...but right now it is just too dark before and after work!
Fantastic colour combos!
Loving the cat pose as well!
I run in the mornings, and just recognize that on Tuesdays I have to go to bed very early. But, I live in NC, where it's never that cold. Also, I set my own schedule, so I can go in a bit later, keeping me from running in full dark.
Great outfit - really like the colour combo. Do you have to redo your makeup as well? After the lunchtime run that is!
After running, I usually reapply powder. Sometimes, I have dark smudges under my lower lashes (from mascara?) that I clean up with a damp paper towel. I add a fresh coat of lipstick and I'm good to go!
My eyeliner (Babe Cake by Benefit) NEVER runs or smears from working out. I love it.
How insanely cute are you with your gorgeous cat? And yes, marathon training is crazy. I don't know how people do it.
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