A few years ago, I would have said they were too sexy to wear except as a costume piece. I don’t remember what changed my mind, probably Wardrobe Remix, because I started wearing them to work in December 2006. I started with brown, thinking black would be to obviously sexy, but later started wearing a subtle black pair too. I’ve since added gray and nude fishnets to my stocking supply.
The thinner the strands of the “net,” the smaller the holes, and the lighter the color, the less noticeable the tight’s pattern. In fact, in most of my photos, you can barely tell I’m wearing fishnets at all. From far away, they appear to be transparent hosiery. Nude fishnets photograph as impossibly even-colored legs, without the stuffiness of pantyhose.

What’s your opinion? Are fishnets acceptable business casual wear?

From left to right: Nude, Gray, and Brown fishnet tights.
And finally, some other internet opinions on the subject:
I think it depends on the rest of the outfit. With your outfits, they always come off looking tasteful but it would be easy with the wrong choices for them to look wrong.
I think there's nothing wrong with your looks and with wearing fishnets. Your skirts are completely ok, not very short, your shoes and boots totally perfect... so fishnets are ok, too.
I think that those teenager were "joking" (as boys in these ages do) and they didn't know what were talking about. There's also another point: men and their fantasies. And fishnets -at least here in Spain- have a very strong sexual meaning.
But I repeat: you look great in them. And you should'nt get worried.
Textured tights are so EVERYWHERE right now that it seems silly to dismiss fishnets, which are really the same thing!
I prefer fishnets to textured tights or tights with flashy patterns and I agree that it totally depends on the rest of your outfit. I can get away with wearing nude fishnets to work (and usually no one notices) but probably not black. I wore black ones once to an office party and received enough attention for them that I probably wouldn't wear them to the office. I happen to work in a place wear people glance at you funny if you wear bright colours though....
I'm younger, (just out of college) so my perception is probably different than someone who's been in the workforce awhile, but I love your fishnets. It does depend on the rest of the outfit and the weave of the fishnets for work suitability, but I don't see anything hooker-ish about your outfits. That's just teenage boy stupidity.
That would shake me too, but I think you should probably take it as a compliment and move on.
I voted, "it depends," meaning the hemline and neckline need to be rather conservative to balance fishnets.
You always look great. Carry on.
Let's see, I don't recall you wearing a plunging, busomy blouse or your booty sticking out of your skirt. Poor thing! I kind of wish you would tell the rest of the story because I would read it.
Let me just say that I LOVE the idea of nude and gray fishnets. It's understated and yet it's modern. I have two pairs of black fishnets. One is what I call "sexy" fishnets that I never wear to anything because they look "sexy", but the other ones are my favorite pair of tights because they have such a pretty pattern and look so cool with just about anything. You always look great and I look to your blog for ideas about how to mix up what I have already. I wouldn't read up on you if I thought you dressed trashy. Be encouraged! Prostite? Pshhh.
I agree with the others who say "It depends." If the rest of your outfit isn't revealing or overtly sexy, I think fishnets can be okay for work. I like to take some of my conservative style skirts and pair them with interesting hoe like fishnets or other patterns. It adds a little something different to an outfit that's otherwise mundane.
None of your outfits look to be inappropriate for work, especially considering your previous post on what other people wear. You said before other people where you work wear sweatshirts and jeans. Judging from that, I think your outfit is fine. If you worked in an extremely conservative office, then fishnets may not be appropriate.
My office is very conservative so I would never EVER wear fishnets to work. Although your outfits are tasteful, they would still be inappropriate for my office environment.
I think that most of the world associates fishnets with sex. It's just a fact. What you do with that is up to you. Wearing fishnets does not make you a slut, but you will run the risk that someone will think you are. That doesn't make it true, but in their minds it does.
NOT if you are a teacher!!
But what did you wear today? :(
I worked in a church office with one of the most stylish people I have ever meet or seen and she wore fishnets. I don't recall her wearing black ones, but she did wear colored fishnets with all kinds of things. Of course her skirts, like yours, were always of right length.
I'm going with "It depends" In a creative environment, quite possibly. In a more corporate one doubtful. But I do agree with the knee length skirt, nude fishnets and a boot. I do know that doesn't leave you with a lot of fishnet but it leaves you with just enough to be interesting but not questionable at work.
i have seen fishnets worn with tights under them, it takes the "stripper" edge off. The look is more of a textured tight,
Honestly I would not let one or two ignorant things put you off wearing what you want too,
Fishnets are very main stream fashion today and it shows there knowledge of fashion up for what it is -0 , even if they are men they should appreciate fashion styles.
Please do keep wearing your fishnets.
It's far too cold for fishnets in the UK still, but if the spring weather eventually arrives I will switch to fishnets as an alternative to opaques.
Micro-net only, and not with anything mini-length. I actually wear crocheted lace tights more often than fishnet (Sockdreams has some lovely crocheted tights), in black, plum, or burgundy. Although they are more noticeable than small fishnets, they get a "oh, how creative/unusual/striking" reaction rather than a "dang, sexy" reaction.
Fishnets are a go any place, especially work! If you are worried about them being too "sassy" (which is the whole reason for wearing them), then wear nude-colored fishnets.
wear textured tights if u want but id stick with opaques silky only or the wool or cotton type
So long as the skirt at the knee, it's perfectly fine. Nothing overt about that. I wear mine to work over microfiber tights - my favorite is black-on-black. The microfiber is slightly sheer, so it looks like a textured tight, nothing too sexy.
personally, i would only wear flesh/nude fishnets altogether, but i am much less bold.
i think you always look fab, with or without fishnets :D
Boys will be boys...Silly wee things that they are. I once had a friend who wore a long purple velvet cape over a long black dress to the opera at the town hall in a large city. As she walked down the high street afterward she was stopped and asked if she was a prostitute. Not exactly the most practical outfit for turning tricks I would have thought. They live in hope that species.
I love wearing fishnets! I have them in almost every color!
I found great ones at PeekBrooklyn.com!
I have to agree with most others... I don't think you have any reason for concern with your fishnets. They add a little flair with your outfits in your pictures, and make them a little more snazzy in my opinion.
For me, I work in a conservative office too, and wear dresses or skirts with stockings or tights almost every day. Myself and a few of the other ladies have worn fishnets with our outfits and have had no complaints or concerns. Color doesn't matter either, as long as they're normal colors and not something you would wear to an 80's Halloween party. They even make fishnet-patterned tights which have become popular too, and again, no problems or unwanted comments.
I think sometimes there are pre-conceived ideas of who wears fishnets, and a lot of them are about street girls who wear the big fence net ones that aren't work appropriate unless you have tights on underneath them. Bottom line is, most fishnets are fine for work even in a conservative place, as long as they are regular, micronet, or some other pattern even. Don't go with the huge holes in between the threads and you'll be fine (or if you do, wear tights underneath them). Good luck!
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