This morning, when I drove by this Chinese take-out joint and noticed the murals, I
had to take my outfit photos there. Technically, I was trespassing (I took the pictures in the covered, outdoor dining area), but my activities were harmless. Still, I beat a hasty retreat when the first worker showed up to start cooking for the lunchtime crowd. He gave me a long stare and probably took note of my license plate.

Jacket, thrifted. Shirt, Jones New York (thrifted). Skirt, Talbot’s. Boots, Miz Mooz. Necklace, thrifted. Bag, Fossil (gift).
As a criminal on the run, I didn’t get a chance to take detail photos. But I figure you’ve gotten a good look at my capsule items over the course of November.

How do you like the Miz Mooz green boots? I was looking at some earlier today and no one posts reviews on how comfortable they are and the quality of them. They look great on you! I'm torn between those and the burgundy ones!
They are super comfortable for walking, standing, and sitting (in a chair or car.) The tight calf fit and buttons can make them uncomfortable for squatting or sitting on the floor. As long as you are doing "normal" adult activities you'll love them!
When I first saw your green boots, I really fell for them and wanted them. Love the color and the buttons.
I'm on a shoe/clothing budget, because my dollars go to my ballroom dance competition I figured I couldn't ever own a pair of boots like yours.
I did, however find a pair of brand new, never worn boots of the same color at a consignment shop. And I had a store credit.
My boots have laces, not buttons, and they are made by Fornarina. I adore them. Inspired by yours!
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