My old LBD started to fall apart last time I wore it, so I’ve been on the lookout for a replacement. I wanted something Breakfast at Tiffany’s-ish. Something I could dress up or down. Wear to the office or a wedding. Less than $100. I think I’ve found it. My LBD’s inaugural wearing was to the Tri-County Players winter party.
These shoes are admittedly less classic than the dress, but they also cost 1/5 the price. They were surprisingly comfortable.

Your hair looks wonderful!
Such a better LBD than your old one! I want the same one now!
Your hair looks amazing!
Pretty! And I love the shoes. They liven things up.
You look good enough to hate, m'dear.
Great shoes! try with your black fishnets!
these shoes rock!
I'm new to your blog and I'm enjoying it. I love your beautiful red hair and all the styles you do with it. I'm getting lots of ideas of what to do with my clothes and hair from looking at your pictures. Time consuming, yes, but very helpful to your fellow (wo)man.
I had a wedding to go to in May of 2008 and my sister found that dress at Banana for a surprisingly LOW PRICE!! Wait for it, wait for it... $5!! That's right, 5 whole dollars! I could hardly believe it myself. Anyway, since the dress was so inexpensive, she purchased two different sizes for me to try on but I ended up keeping them both just incase I had another occasion to go to and on of them didn't fit. I noticed that you said that the dress was on clearance, what did you pay for it, do you remember? I love the zebra stripe shoes with the dress, I wore red pat and leather Mary Jane shoes.
Kate - I bought the dress on sale, but it certainly wasn't $5! Actually, I think it was closer to $90, so you almost stole that dress!
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