Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Suddenly Subzero

Red sweater, thrifted. Tweedy waistcoat and apple watch pendant, Forever 21. Black skirt, from my USMC dress blues uniform. Gray, open-weave tights, Merona. Gray slouchy boots, White Mountain. Tweedy headband, NY & Co.

Yesterday, the temperatures were in the 50’s. This morning, it’s below zero with the windchill. I had to add fleece pants to my ensemble for the bus ride in. I am not looking forward to freezing my patootie off during my lunchtime run (5 miles today!)

I am so bored with my poses, so I thought I’d demonstrate my acting skillz for you. Here I am hoping that it won’t be too too cold outside.

And here I am just being crazy. See how well I do crazy? Must be why I’m often cast that way.


Anne said...

Question: How do you run five miles on lunch and then go back to work looking fab?

Love the poses, btw.

Kasmira said...

Ummmm....notice the pictures are BEFORE running. :) After running, I have to clean up the smeared eyeliner and mascara. Then I refresh my hair (ponytails are easy), apply powder and lipstick, and trot off to eat.

Anonymous said...

Haha - love your crazy pictures!

And a gorgeous outfit, another fabulous combination pulled out of the bag!

Anonymous said...

Ill bet you have a cute running outfit too...

Kasmira said...

Anon - my running ensembles are distinctly NOT cute! When I started teaching aerobics, I told myself that I'd use the extra cash to buy cute, matching workout wear. But I'm still exercising in the same old holey clothes.
I just can't brig myself to spend money on something I'm just going to sweat in.

Sheila said...

I love the waistcoat. The new poses are fun!

Anonymous said...

I would be way too sweaty after five miles to go back work not looking like a drowned animal! Kudos to you. Also, you're probably cast as "crazy" because of the red hair! I can empathize as I am a redhead too.

Nemesis said...

I freaking love those boots...I want them!!!!

Anonymous said...

How long does it take to run 5 miles? I'm trying to run myself, but it's so hard to increase my speed.

Kasmira said...

Nemesis - the boots are from Shoe Carnival, but I heard they are all gone now! Sorry. :(

Anon - I guess it depends on your pace! I run for 50 minutes and call it 5 miles - but I think I'm actually running more like a 9:30 mile so I end up running a bit further. I am sooooo happy I don't have to run fast anymore (like I did for the Physical Fitness Test in the marines).

Anonymous said...

i looked everywhere for those boots!!! except shoe carnival i doubt if i can get them now :(
anyway i just wanted to let you know i think that you are beautiful, and have truly inspired me to put some color in my wardrobe...THANKS

steam enthusiast said...

I wanted to say thank you Kasmira
It has taken me a few months to team up grey with a black skirt without seeing you I would never have considered doing it.