J Crew
1. Schoolboy Blazer in Modern Red, $198.00

I’m gradually developing the following shopping strategy: buy quality, staple items from well-respected retailers and find the fun stuff at the thrift or discount stores. I won’t pay $200 for a polyester dress at Anthropologie, but I’d spend the same amount on a wool blazer from J Crew. I shell out for quality footwear and bags (I prefer leather, despite not eating meat). I expect cotton, linen, silk, wool or leather fabrication for a major purchase. These are my wardrobe foundations.
As the quality and number of likely wearings decreases, so does my price point. I won’t buy anything made of synthetics that is priced at more than $60. Trendy items aren’t worth spending much money on. And, although I love to shop Target and Forever 21 for the “wardrobe frosting,” I prefer to find these items at the thrift store. It feels much less wasteful to get only a few uses out of something that someone else has already worn.
Of course, I’m always hopeful that I’ll find a quality basic at the thrift store (like my Jones New York striped tee or my Seychelles sandals), but I can’t count on the thrift gods to grant me this boon on a regular basis. Conversely, an expensive pair of shoes can fall apart after a few wearings. But buying them from a company that stands behind their product makes returns or repairs easier.
This shopping strategy makes a lot of sense to me, and it always has, but it’s taken me awhile to get here. I absolutely hate seeing a huge portion of my budget go to one item. But it’s usually worth it in the end!
August total: $198.00
Total spending for the year: $974.72.
I own several J.crew school boy blazers, from as far back as 2009, and each one looks brand new still. I don't wear synthetic anything, and I only buy quality pieces even if this means fewer trendy items. That is more than ok with me. I would rather have 1 beautiful, timeless blazer from J.Crew than 20 $10 items from H&M any day. You look fab in this red blazer, I love it!!
I like how good the blazer looks with your turqoise jewels.
I think you made a good choice for a quality purchase. It's hard to find quality, even when you are looking to spend the dough. Like you, I expect natural fibers when I make any kind of purchase. I'm not fond of polyester in any form.
That is a lovely jacket and I must adopt your shopping strategy too as I have too much rubbish.
I couldn't agree more, a few years ago needing to buy a dress for a special occasion I was given the choice between a $200 Stella McCartney for target polyester dress or a $200 shot silk, hand made by young designer doing it for herself dress. Needless to say I went the silk which the designer altered to fit me perfectly. Still feel special every time I wear it and am happy to have supported someone starting out - as well as knowing it was ethically made.
I think one can still find some basics via thrifting (like a black blazer or trousers), but I'll also shell out for a really good quality basic. I prefer natural fibres as well, and if possible, I want it to be made in Canada/US/other non-3rd world country.
Great purchase on that blazer, Kasmira! It's gorgeous.
Gorgeous jacket -
I have to admit that i dont have a single blazer over 40 bucks.
I just have to say that I love the phrase "wardrobe frosting!" It so whimsically and colorfully describes all the kooky stuff you can score at Target, Forever 21, etc.
Also, I love what you've done with the blog. I haven't visited in a while and was struck by the contrast of your photos against the stark white.
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