Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Blue and Brown

Brown linen jacket, Forever 21. Navy sweater, Mossimo. White lace shirt, Newport News. Striped skirt, George (thrifted). Brown boots, Nine West. Beaded necklaces, Body Central.

I suppose it’s gauche of a married lady to talk about old boyfriends, but one of my college beaus had a significant impact on my perception of color. He loved to pair both orange and blue and brown and blue. I’ve worn the blue and orange combination to death, but I less often combine blue with brown. I think it’s tricky to combine a royal or navy blue with brown and not have the result look muddy. This is one of the few times I think I’ve been successful.

Hair today is a messy French twist secured with a hairstick. Londyn’s comment on my last blazer/long skirt/boots combo made me realize that I should wear my hair up when I’ve covered everything else, so that I don’t get lost beneath fabric and hair


Anonymous said...

Your hair looks gorgeous like that!

And I love the blue and brown combo! Nice work!

April said...

I am 8 months pregnant with my 3rd child and have recently stumbled upon your blog. I must say, that even though I am anxious to meet my new son, I am really ready to have this baby so that I can have a waist line again. I love your blog and you have inspired me to completely recreate my wardrobe once I do have the baby and drop about 40lbs!

Oh and I now miss having red hair.

Anonymous said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE this outfit! Great job!


Anonymous said...

i LOVE LOVE LOVE blue with brown! you are completely rockin' it here! i often pair a rich slate blue with chocolate brown, but your navy makes me think of another shirt i can use! thanks!

Anonymous said...

Fab outfit and the exposed neck and sliver of knee showing make it funky and youthful!

Anonymous said...

The white lace is an excellent choice. It provides a good visual (and tactile) contrast to the heavier fabrics.


Anonymous said...

I like royal blue and brown. I've got a silk scarf with those colors and have used it as a sash with a solid brown dress. I will also use brown accessories, such as shoes and/or a bag (I was raised by a old-school mother) with a navy dress or skirt suit.