I hear that baby-doll tops are “out” again. That makes me sad. I’ll never have a flat stomach (the trials of the short-waisted) and it’s nice to have a style option that is comfortable and concealing on bloated days. I guess I’ll just have to hoard my baby-doll shirts and plan to be unfashionable.

this one isn't doing it for me. the long shirt/short skirt look is ill-proportioned somehow. the frumpy cardigan isn't helping.
as a fellow lady that will never have a stomach i echo your sadness about the baby-doll top going "out". but i'm going to rebel! i'll continue to wear them because they look good on me, and that will always be in style. anyone else with me??
Wow, I really like this and have to disagree with anonymous. The gray all looks sleek with the cardigan giving and madras print giving it a hint of casual wear.
And yes, I took will be wearing empire waist tops for as long as I can.
The necklace looks perfect with your skin. Love it!!
I hear ya on the not-so-flat tummy. Rebellion sounds great. I'm in!
I love all your shoes SO much,
very sexy, I wish I had a girl with style like you.....
I hear you on the baby-dolls, but I have enough to last me for a very long time.
I have a baby-doll top that I just LOVED when I got it, but I had to stop wearing it--not because it was "out" but because people thought I was pregnant. Ouch!
ok, I may be sounding dumb here, but is there a correlation between short waist and not-so-flat tummy? (all over eating aside...)
cute items separately, but the skirt doesn't work with the top. i'd try it with dark jeans instead. also, the green shoes are a little too bright for the rest of the outfit. id stick more with darker colors, like the green necklace you chose. otherwise, great accessory choices!
love the necklace.. it looks very indian =) and i think u've pulled off the baby doll look pretty ok this time.. i'm not so sure abt the colour of the shoes though.. the shade of green is kinda off..
but the top's ok. i can never wear baby doll dresses. i look and feel pregnant. empire waist blouses are fine. but not baby doll dresses. they bubble out and blow up and i just look wrong. but u've pulled it off with the belt..so yay to you =)
Diana - the shorter waisted you are, the less room there is for internal organs. So, you end up thicker around the middle than someone with a long torso and any intestinal (or other) bloating is much more obvious.
I think you look gorgeous in these photos. The lighting, the hair (I love your side-swept bangs—how do you do that?), the necklace, the outfit.
Although I have to agree with other commentators about the lime green shoes...they just don't go with the natural green of the necklace. I think white pumps would have worked here.
I just discovered your blog and I loove--makes me want to go shop (oh dear!)--and these shoes? ARE FABULOUS. If they go missing from your closet I will have no idea what you are talking about :)
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