Monday, May 19, 2008


Cardigan, Gap. Sheer blouse, Forever 21. Striped trousers, Moda International. Belt, Chinese Laundry. Slingbacks, Linea Paolo. Faux feather earrings, Ali’s Boutique. Purse, Isaac Mizrahi for Target.

Last time I wore blue and green together, Erica commented that peacocks do it all the time. I had a blue/green combo percolating in my head when I spotted these earrings at Ali’s Boutique. They appear to be peacock feathers at first, but are actually made of string. The illusion is very good.

My husband grew up on a hobby farm in North Dakota. For awhile, his family kept peacocks. They didn’t last long because, apparently, peacocks like to sun themselves on the road. They were all run over. My mother-in-law still has quite a collection of peacock tail feathers and I am insanely jealous when I spot them prettily displayed in a brass urn.

Am I the only one who feels sorry for peahens and most female birds in general? I’d be miserable if I were so drab. I’m glad I have the ability to change my “plumage” at will.

P.S. I really like this bag.

My Precious!


KT said...

Love this!

Unknown said...

Hahaha... thank you for the shout-out. Coffee again soon?

Anonymous said...

A beautiful outfit! It�s so fresh and the colours make your eyes pop. Dare I say that your pants are about three inches too short (sad face).

Kasmira said...

angie - Yes, the pants are definitely too short. I wore my lowest heels to minimize the problem. I hate flats.

eebs - Yes, coffee! And you must let me buy. :)

Anonymous said...

I was thinking how much I loved the bag and then saw the last picture really made me laugh!

April said...

Ditto Elisabeth. The last picture is fantastic!

Great outfit. I bought a pair of floral peep-toe pumps yesterday and was heartbroken that I didn't find any green accessories to go with them. So now I am jealous of your precious.

Alexandra said...

Cute purse indeed!

Kate said...

Hello! I really like the way you and your friend Fashion Lady dress. Very chic! :-)

♥, Kate

Anonymous said...

Your pants look like they have an ample hem -- just let it down and they'll be fine!
May I ask where your husband is from? I'm a North Dakotan, too!

Leah said...

Great colors in your outfit today. Love the earrings and also love the bag!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

Thanks for the comment. You have a lot of lovely work outfits. I really like this color combination as well.

Anonymous said...

Love the Gollum picture!

Anonymous said...

my favourite colour's turquoise and i'de marry a peacock if i could. i wear a lot of blue/green clothes as well. the first picture that loaded on my computer was the earring shot and i just went - WOW. it really looks like a peacock feather! and i agree with the clothes horse... u do put together nice outfits with the same pieces. very clever =)


Anonymous said...

Embrace your inner peacock!

Audi said...

You hit a home run with this outfit! Those colors look fab with your red hair.

Kasmira said...

cjm - I'll have to ask him. He moved around a bit between small towns and I don't remember them all!

Miss Attitude said...

I love the purse!