Sammy wanted to be in the pictures today. Usually, once I’ve picked them up and forced them to be photographed, my cats run away. (I believe Hillary calls this “squeezing the love out.”) Not so with Sammy. He stayed nearby and snuck into a few more shots. Can you spot him?

I’m afraid the back of my hair is still wet in that second photo. And there is no Sammy in the third. He’s behind the camera (pressing the shutter button!).

That is a crazy, interesting combo!
I love your bag and your Sammy looks like he's a little sweetie!
Aw, Sammy is so cute! Check out my entry yesterday for a picture of Inigo.
I LOVE the tank over the dress! Genius - I would never have thought of that! And are those new shoes? Love them.
HA! That is what I call it. Daisyboo would rather plummet to the ground than be held. But shes lovely and will snuggle on your lap for hours.
I think cats as a fashion accessory is damn near perfect.
Nice warm colors and that tank reduces the busyness of the pattern.
Meow to Sammy !
I love the pattern on your dress =)
This is a REALLY cute outfit. I really like it!
Gorgeous dress! I adore the pattern.
Oh, that belt! Object lust, over here.
i just realized we havent had ourselves a Recession Challenge lately...any inspiration?
that's a really good idea. I'm still amazed at how many ideas you have for this dress!
Cute superstar cat!
i love the missoni-esque dress! and the kitty. oooh how i would love a kitty!
evandine....ah, the recession challenge. You're right. I've been slacking. I have ideas, just no initiative. Shame on me!
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