Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Like Switzerland

Jacket, No Boundaries. Dress, Max Studio. Bag, Apt 9. Necklace, gift. Ring, Target. Shoes, Gianni Bini.


Tina said...

You're title is very clever today!

And I adore that necklace.

Stephanie N. said...

I'm trying to figure out how it's like Switzerland... everyone else seems to be getting it but me.

Alex said...

Switzerland is known for its neutrality, which this color scheme demonstrates.

K said...

I love the purse and the necklace. Very cute.

By the way, I tagged you in a post today. Check it out! :)

YankeeClipper64 said...

This outfit ROCKS! --- The blended patterns, chic jacket, cute ring, fabulous bag, killer-shoes, ETC....are all SUPERB! Your style is one-of-a-kind and it WORKS. --- If (that's "IF") I were to leave this planet and come back as a wealthy woman, I'd offer to hire YOU as my stylist...but hope we'd be best buds too :) ha..ha!

Rosie Unknown said...

Love it! I wish I had a wardrobe as awesome as yours!

Anonymous said...

Love your necklace :)

Stephanie N. said...

Alex: Thanks. I hope I'm not the only one who didn't get it right away!

piglet said...

Love the pairing of all the neutrals.
The jacket is super cute.

myrubyslippers said...

With your your fabulous sense of style, ALL colour scheme looks great on you!

Yuri said...

love the jacket and the necklace.
actually i like almost everthing you have and how you mix and match 'em.

Can i trade links with you please?
i really like ur blog.


Fashion and more said...

mixing the patterns works well here, very cute.

Anne said...

I have nominated you for an award. Please come over and collect it.

Milly said...

i love the necklace!

Elaine said...

Very safari-ish. I like it!

the average girl said...

You mean it's neutral? Did I get it right?

Kasmira said...

Honestly, I didn't expect anyone to notice the title, let alone try to figure it out....but, yes, "Switzerland" is in reference to the neutrals I wore.

Chris said...

That ring was a wonderful find.

Unknown said...

cute bolero!!

Honeybunches of Roses said...

I own the exact same ring :-)