This started out as just a casual, Friday night, date-with-my-husband sort of an outfit, but it ended up being something Martin of Daddy Likey would probably like. Mikey of House of Wawa didn’t like it, though. He said that the shirt’s sequins poked him in the arm during our movie house cuddles.
Friday, August 31, 2007
For Martin
This started out as just a casual, Friday night, date-with-my-husband sort of an outfit, but it ended up being something Martin of Daddy Likey would probably like. Mikey of House of Wawa didn’t like it, though. He said that the shirt’s sequins poked him in the arm during our movie house cuddles.
I Waited for This
It has recently come to my attention that I am frightening people with my gaze, so, 007donuts, this is for you…
Brown, short-sleeved linen jacket, Forever 21. Pale yellow cardigan, Mossimo. White blouse, Worthington. Navy, polka-dot skirt, Side x Side (thrifted and altered by me). Yellow pumps, Victoria Spenser.
I’ve previously revealed (in the comments) that I often plan the week’s outfits on Sunday night. I planned this outfit three or four Sundays ago, but it has been too hot to wear this many layers. Eighty-four degrees may still be a little warm for a jacket, cardigan, and blouse, but I could wait no longer. I suppose the recent heat has addled my brain.
A better (no flash) shot of the colors:

The creepy stare will return on Tuesday.
I’ve previously revealed (in the comments) that I often plan the week’s outfits on Sunday night. I planned this outfit three or four Sundays ago, but it has been too hot to wear this many layers. Eighty-four degrees may still be a little warm for a jacket, cardigan, and blouse, but I could wait no longer. I suppose the recent heat has addled my brain.
A better (no flash) shot of the colors:
The creepy stare will return on Tuesday.
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Almost the Same
I thought I had worn this sweater/skirt combo for you before, but I was mistakenly thinking of this outfit in March. I’m glad I took the effort to differentiate it from the imagined previous outfit because I really like the look of the ruffly red shirt beneath the sweater. And, of course, I love my big belt.
Speaking of repeats, a lady at my office (on my floor), has this skirt. Am I a total snob for sighing with relief when I saw her wearing it on Monday (figuring that we wouldn’t both be wearing it on Thursday)?
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
2nd Rehearsal
I am back in rehearsals! (Thank goodness! I don’t know what to do with myself when I’m not rehearsing in the evenings.) I will no longer be hanging out in my jammies at home, so I’ll have Outfits (with a capital “O”) to photograph and share with you. Although I dressed for my last show (rehearsing in June and July), our rehearsal space was so hot that I just wore things I’d be able to sweat in. For House of Frankenstein, we are working in the cafeteria of a school and the a/c is set at 50 degrees. No lie. Real clothes (and jackets) are required.
Not that I really mind. I love to layer.
I feel very plain today. I am so tired of the summer and the heat. It’s hard to come up with interesting outfits when layering induces heat stroke. Today is supposed to be the last of the hot days.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
The Bean
Today’s plan was to teach aerobics, work my desk job, and then join my friend, Diva, for dinner and free dance lessons at the Argentine Bean. We were ready to salsa (or tango – we weren’t really sure what the dance style was to be) the night away. I lost my jacket and she changed out of her work clothes. There was even a possibility of Fashion Lady joining us for the dance lessons.
We finished dinner about 20 minutes before the scheduled lessons, so we popped into Aveda. After purchasing overpriced hair products, we walked by the Bean to put our things in the car and saw no dancing. Somehow, we ended up in Dillard’s to kill time and were completely sidetracked by an incredible shoe sale. Fashion Lady called to say she couldn’t make it. We took our shoes to the car and walked by the Bean. No dancing. I had to use the bathroom, so we went back into Dillard’s and Diva bought make-up. We walked by the Bean on the way out. No dancing. It was nearly 9:00 and I had to make my 10 p.m. bedtime, so we headed out, driving past the Bean. And saw people dancing. Evidently the lessons had started 45 minutes late. Argh!
Monday, August 27, 2007
Unless my outfits are uncomfortable or overly revealing, I’m usually not self-conscious about what I wear. Looking at this picture though, my eyes are bleeding a little from the bright colors and I think maybe I SHOULD feel out of place among my conservatively dressed officemates. But I really don’t care.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
Clermont Inn
We went to the Clermont Inn (in Batavia, OH) to see Death and Deceit on the Nile. It’s a murder mystery. I hate mysteries. Mostly, I hate them because I don't figure out the mystery until all is revealed at the end. I never pick up on the clues along the way and end up feeling dumb. (Snarky phrases like, “Elementary, my dear Watson,” irritate me even further.) We only went to see the show because the actors are friends of mine and the event benefited one of the drama groups I work with. Predictably, the mystery made me feel like a dummkopf, but I had fun with the interactive portions of the show.
The purse and earrings are both from thrift shops, but I suspect they may be vintage.
Friday, August 24, 2007
Day to Night
This isn’t any sort of an AMAZING day-to-night transition, but it worked for an evening jaunt to Applebee’s and Target.
I carefully straightened my hair this morning, but between teaching aerobics and our muggy weather, I lost the battle with humidity.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Thank goodness my hair is still long enough to pull back in a pony. It looks horrible after sleeping in our hot, humid house and I didn’t have time to fight the frizzies.
Zoro absolutely refused to move; I had to carefully place my feet so as to not tread on his extremities. He is my fourth kitty, but I’m trying to find a new home for him. Bear (and sometimes Yoda) constantly beats him up. Right now, Zoro lives behind the microwave most of the time. Very sad! If you are a nice person with a quiet home and want a sweet kitty, email me. (No other pets or kids would be best because he is quite skittish.) He’s fixed and up to date on vaccinations. Click on his name for adorable photos.
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Silver Purse
Perhaps a shiny silver purse wasn’t appropriate for work-day accessorizing, but I was so eager to carry it that I didn’t care. I found it at the Village Thrift on Pippin (on the same day I bought this skirt at the Oakley Goodwill). What a super thriftin’ day!
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Wishing for Fall
I am so tired of this hot and steamy weather. I’m ready for fall. I’m wearing my fall colors, but in a summer weight.
Monday, August 20, 2007
Lacy Day
I apologize for the oddly cropped photo. This was the only picture that turned out well, but I wasn’t completely in the frame. The mosquitoes were eating me alive, so no retakes. Who needs to see my right arm, anyway? You’ve all seen it before!
7 Random Fashion-y Things
I’ve now been tagged twice to participate in the “7 Random Things” meme. I usually abstain from these sorts of tags because I’m afraid memes and random commentary will dilute my subject-oriented blogs. I don’t want to appear a spoiled sport, though, so here are 7 random fashion-y things about me:
1. When I was small, I loved to dress in themes. I still remember being Rainbow Girl, Dove Girl (wearing a tank embellished with a line drawing of two doves, beak to beak), and Ice Cream Girl (sporting jeans with embroidered ice cream cones on the rear pockets). I would burst into my parents’ room (while they were asleep, I’m sure), proclaiming the sort of “girl” I was that day.
2. I look horrible in purple and gray. In fact, I hate purple all around. It makes me think of unicorns and the purple people eater and Barney.
3. In 2001, I made a New Year’s resolution to wash my underwear in mesh bags. Both my resolution, and my underwear, have lasted since. (Not only do your underwear last longer, but your washing machine may too. I’ve heard reports of thong underwear becoming wrapped around the machine’s agitator and actually damage the washer!)
4. I have really ugly feet. Over the past few years, though, I’ve made an effort to at least prettify what I have. You wouldn’t have caught me dead in open-toed shoes before 2000.
5. My hair was blond and spiral permed from 8th to 10th grades. (And if you can’t get enough of my terrible school photos, you can view them ALL here.)
6. I never had a friend with whom I could swap clothing until I moved to Cincinnati and met Fashion Lady. It’s like having a second wardrobe!
7. I was a totally hairy, Birkenstock wearing, granola munching, tree hugging hippie in college. Now I’m almost high maintenance. I think everyone goes through phases and that I’ll get in touch with my earthy side again, someday.
I won’t tag anyone else.
1. When I was small, I loved to dress in themes. I still remember being Rainbow Girl, Dove Girl (wearing a tank embellished with a line drawing of two doves, beak to beak), and Ice Cream Girl (sporting jeans with embroidered ice cream cones on the rear pockets). I would burst into my parents’ room (while they were asleep, I’m sure), proclaiming the sort of “girl” I was that day.
2. I look horrible in purple and gray. In fact, I hate purple all around. It makes me think of unicorns and the purple people eater and Barney.
3. In 2001, I made a New Year’s resolution to wash my underwear in mesh bags. Both my resolution, and my underwear, have lasted since. (Not only do your underwear last longer, but your washing machine may too. I’ve heard reports of thong underwear becoming wrapped around the machine’s agitator and actually damage the washer!)
4. I have really ugly feet. Over the past few years, though, I’ve made an effort to at least prettify what I have. You wouldn’t have caught me dead in open-toed shoes before 2000.
6. I never had a friend with whom I could swap clothing until I moved to Cincinnati and met Fashion Lady. It’s like having a second wardrobe!
7. I was a totally hairy, Birkenstock wearing, granola munching, tree hugging hippie in college. Now I’m almost high maintenance. I think everyone goes through phases and that I’ll get in touch with my earthy side again, someday.
I won’t tag anyone else.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Irish Dress
My souvenir from the Dublin Ohio Irish Festival doesn’t feature four-leaf clovers, Gaelic sayings, or leprechans. It isn’t even green. I picked this dress out of a rack of hideous tie-dyed numbers (which weren’t green, either) at one of the vendor booths. I had to add ribbon to the back to get a good fit around my ribs, but the results are worth it.
Obligatory skirt swirl photo:
Friday, August 17, 2007
Crazy Friday
I was flipping through my I was flipping through my What I Wore Today photo set yesterday and realized that I hadn’t worn my hospital dress or sequin shoes in a while. Why not wear them both at once? Some people dress casually on Friday; I dress crazily.
I over-dyed these jeans (and my one other pair of dark jeans) this weekend with one package of indigo and one package of black Dylon dye. I LOVE the results. (For comparison, the first photo in the below montage features this exact pair back in March.) How much do you want to bet, though, that I have blue legs by the end of the day?
As this is the fourth time I’ve worn the crazy hospital dress, I think it’s time for a “how have you liked it best” poll (choices are pictured left to right):
Click the photo for a larger version
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Nicole Richie Dress
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Cat Lady
For those of you who answered “Barf, I hate these colors [pink and green] together,” avert your eyes.
Pink gingham dress, Georgio Fiorlani (thrifted). Green bolero jacket, London Jeans. White cardigan, Express. Green peeptoe pumps, Wet Seal.
Today, three of my four cats decided they wanted to be in the photo. The orange cat is Monty (aka Fluffy aka Muffin aka Orangey aka Creaky). The cat under the bench is Yoda (aka Smunchy aka Rusty). And I’m pulling Bear’s tail. (Bear doesn’t really have any aliases. I do sing the “Bear City” theme song to him often.) Clicking on each cat’s name will bring you to their respective photosets. I am a truly a crazy cat lady.
Yes, face is in the shadows, but you visit here to see my outfits, not my mug, right?
Oh, and my toenails match my outfit today. I meant to take a picture of their pink awesomeness, but I was distracted by the cat love-fest.
Today, three of my four cats decided they wanted to be in the photo. The orange cat is Monty (aka Fluffy aka Muffin aka Orangey aka Creaky). The cat under the bench is Yoda (aka Smunchy aka Rusty). And I’m pulling Bear’s tail. (Bear doesn’t really have any aliases. I do sing the “Bear City” theme song to him often.) Clicking on each cat’s name will bring you to their respective photosets. I am a truly a crazy cat lady.
Yes, face is in the shadows, but you visit here to see my outfits, not my mug, right?
Oh, and my toenails match my outfit today. I meant to take a picture of their pink awesomeness, but I was distracted by the cat love-fest.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Hands in My Pockets
I originally planned on wearing this blazer with the blouse instead of the sweater vest, but it was too boring. (The blazer is still up for swap if you’re interested!)
I haven’t worn this blouse since I began my What I Wore Today blog last October. Does that mean I should get rid of it? I like the color and the fit and the pattern, but it doesn’t often suit my current style. I think I’ll hang on to it for future style evolutions.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Blue Oatmeal
I love this oatmeal color, but it makes me look washed out. Accents of blue and some red lipstick keeps my face from also sliding into gruel-dom.
Please forgive my hair. After painstakingly creating a piecey, messy look this morning, my ‘do was ruined when the stylist pulled it back into a ponytail for the commercial shoot. I tried to revive it for this photo, but I just ended up with way too much product in my hair.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
Hierarchy of Footwear
After I posted a picture of my clothes closet(s), someone asked to see my shoe closet. Sadly, I have no such thing. Most of my work shoes live in boxes under the guest room bed. After consideration, I thought maybe the commenter actually wanted to see my shoes, not my storage system, so I thought I’d oblige.
I’ve lined them up from oldest to youngest, left to right and back to front. The eldest pair is the lime green Colin Stuart pumps and the baby of the family is the plaid pumps. They’re only a few minutes older than the green peep-toes (both purchased just yesterday).
Studying the shoes and their chronological sequence is an interesting peek into my shoe psyche. Although I clearly show a frivolous side early on (lime green pumps), I stick to mostly brown, black, and, the classic, red for the first few years. (Not pictured here are two pairs of black pumps, a pair of khaki pumps, and one pair each of black and khaki slingbacks that I wore to death.) As I progressed through the Maslow hierarchy of needs (red, black, and brown shoes = the physiological needs and safety), brightly colored shoes met my requirements for love, belonging, and esteem, until I finally reach self-actualization with a pair of freakin rad plaid pumps.
Studying the shoes and their chronological sequence is an interesting peek into my shoe psyche. Although I clearly show a frivolous side early on (lime green pumps), I stick to mostly brown, black, and, the classic, red for the first few years. (Not pictured here are two pairs of black pumps, a pair of khaki pumps, and one pair each of black and khaki slingbacks that I wore to death.) As I progressed through the Maslow hierarchy of needs (red, black, and brown shoes = the physiological needs and safety), brightly colored shoes met my requirements for love, belonging, and esteem, until I finally reach self-actualization with a pair of freakin rad plaid pumps.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Closet Vomit and a Haircut
I think my closet vomited on me this morning. How else to explain this disaster? I thought I was being funky with the yellow pumps and hot pink belt. At least it was too hot for me to have added further disaster like a red scarf and green jacket.
I ripped off this outfit as soon as I got home and headed out for my long awaited HAIR CUT!
I brought in a picture of Christina Applegate’s new bob. I wanted something I could wear curly or wavy or straight. I’m a big fan of the messy look.
Whaddya think?
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Dressing Up a Dress
I love dresses because they make dressing easy, but it can be difficult to create different outfits, especially when it’s hot and you don’t want to add layers. I considered and discarded ideas of wearing a scarf, jacket, or sweater. I thought I’d take a chance and daringly wrap a belt around the already smocked empire waist. Some long pearls add dimension and femininity.
Predictably, Mike hated this outfit. (He detests the big belt look and characterized my pearls as “Grandma.”)
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
Wicked Tired
This has been a l-o-o-o-o-ong week. I’ve worked extra hours every day so far and put in a 13 hour day today. At least I was fed well.
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Indian Skirt, Round 2
I’m seriously considering swapping this skirt. I rarely wear it because the waist always looks wonky. I’ll try it one more time (last wore this in Feb) before I put it up for swap.
Rear view:
Monday, August 06, 2007
Missoni-esque, Again
Same ol’ dress I’ve worn before, just a different top. To liven things up, let me know how have you liked it best. Personally, my favorite pairing is with the orange sweater, but you’ve got to see the detail shot to really appreciate the colors.
Click for a larger view.
Friday, August 03, 2007
Half-day, Friday, Flats Day
The dress is really too casual for work, at least in my opinion. I thought I could get away with it, though, working a half-day, Friday.
This is the first time I’ve worn flats to work. I broke my heels rule because the skirt length and front slit of this dress show a whole lotta leg. (I was quite uncomfortable wearing this dress with heels last time.) I feel very odd walking around the office with both feet firmly on the floor. It’s kind of nice, actually, and I can take really big steps.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
I have an audition today. They are looking for “ordinary people.” I really tried to dress “ordinary:” no crazy colors, no giant belt, no bright headband, no wacky jewelry. Still, my husband laughed at my outfit and said that I’m “anything but ordinary.”
I bought this skirt for my role as Joanne in Vanities. In scene three, I wore it with a tucked-in, white blouse and looked quite dowdy. Off stage, though, I try to avoid the matronly look. Because the skirt is highwaisted and pleated in the front (to accommodate the AWESOME pockets), it has the potential to make me look as if I have a flat ass and a bun in the oven. I’ve paired it with a long, form-fitting top to counteract the effect. It still pooches a bit in front, but as long as I have my hands in my pockets, I can convince people that the lump is not due to my gut.
*Update on 8/9/07: I must have looked ordinary enough because I booked the job!
Wednesday, August 01, 2007
After looking at the first few photos I took of myself this morning, I realized that this outfit needed a belt to break up the expanse of navy fabric. It would also come in handy to camouflage the lumps of my pants’ waistband underneath the tank. A belt in the usual spot (natural waist) would have competed with the hemline of my cardigan and emphasized the pants bumps. So, I found myself wearing a belt much lower than I have in the past few months – at bellybutton height instead of just beneath my ribs. I love it. Maybe the ladies on Pattern Review, dissing the cinched look, have a point.
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