I love this oatmeal color, but it makes me look washed out. Accents of blue and some red lipstick keeps my face from also sliding into gruel-dom.
Please forgive my hair. After painstakingly creating a piecey, messy look this morning, my ‘do was ruined when the stylist pulled it back into a ponytail for the commercial shoot. I tried to revive it for this photo, but I just ended up with way too much product in my hair.
Hey, you, an apologist you should not be - your whole photo looks terrific, as does your hairdo. I really like that brown/oatmeal combo on you, have always loved that color combo. And, you've done exactly the right thing with your accessories. So, celebrate yourself please! Tell that little self-critic to shut her mouth! In this photo, you could take on the world. (I'm a lurker, but couldn't "shut my mouth" on this post!) I kinda thought your blog was for just this purpose, let it celebrate you as it wants to.
Yep, I agree - you look great all over. Love the colour combo. Might have to steal that one myself!
Love it! Normally I shy away from strapless dresses, but now I might have to give them another look because I know I could pull them off with a lace tank and bolero jacket like yours. I'd never thought of a combo like that before, but it works fabulously.
I also love the shoes and jewelry. I wore pretty much the same color today in my accessories with a black wap dress with small white polka dots. I got a few compliments, too, so I felt great. You've inspired me to add some color to my neutrals, so thanks bunches.
I wear this strapless dress a BUNCH. Next time I wear it, I'll include a photo montage so you can see all of the ways (and seasons) I wear it.
Great look! I have the same Anthro necklace and never fail to get compliments when I wear it.
I LOVE this outfit.
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