Green satin blouse, Express. Brown tweedy skirt, Newport News. Woven leather belt, Wilson’s Leather. Brown pumps, Mossimo. Brown disk earrings (that you can barely see), Claire’s Boutique.
I am so tired of this hot and steamy weather. I’m ready for fall. I’m wearing my fall colors, but in a summer weight.
I'm right there with you! I'm dying to wear my sweaters and cords. I'm getting bored with my summer wardrobe and tired of feeling sticky and gross at the end of the day from the hot, humid weather. Love the green, by the way...
I LOVE you sense of style !!!
I love how you mix colors that you wouldnt think go together... especailly for a redhead !
Just wondering what your cleaners bill must be every week/month ?
Most of your clothes dont seem to be wash and wear .
I DO have a number of dry-clean only pieces, but, honestly, I only take them to the cleaners if they are soiled or smelly. Despite my penchant for dropping food on myself, that doesn't happen too often.
I love this outfit. Very sleek and sophisticated on you.
all of your outfits look so nice, wish i could borrow them, would love to have a girly night out with you
timeless.so hot.. love the color
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