Someone once told me I looked like a bird. I took great offense at the comparison*, but today I’m dressing in what I think of as “bird colors:” brown and gray.

Cardigan, Forever 21. Blouse and turtleneck, Merona. Skirt, Peyton Place (thrifted and shortened). Tights, Target. Boots, White Mountain. Hair clip, 100 yen store. Scarf, swap.

I’m sure this will surprise no one, but I prefer to think of myself as a cat.
What animal are you?

*I was offended because I thought it was a crack at the shape or size of my nose. Bird face = all beak. I will admit that I have some magpie-like tendencies to hoard shiny things, but who doesn’t?
dude! I have that sweater but from H&M
Seeing you wear it excites me to NO END. I also prefer to think of myself as cat over anything.
I just love that skirt. I think I commented on it last time too. So pleasing to my eye. I'm not sure what animal I'd be. One that's quiet and enjoys solitude. Perhaps a large cat: a jaguar.
That skirt is beautiful!
I'm owned by nine cats and one husky...I think I have a bit of them all mixed up in me. I think you look fantastic, and not like a bird! The boots, as always, are gorgeous. Very ladylike, but still unique.
Cute outfit!
I'm a cat, but not an ordinary house cat, I'm a sleek black cat. Ok, so I sometimes revert to vaguely plump, soft house cat, but not often.
I got a skirt very similar to that JUST TODAY, Kasmira! I would've worn it, except I'm in the midst of my apocalypse week.
Don't take offense at the bird comment -- birds are beautiful. I do see it a bit, but only in the most delicate, graceful way. I think perhaps your blonde hair adds to the illusion; I see it less when you're a red head. But you're a cat, too, of course!
Much Love,
I see cat-like qualities. I can see bird with this outfit, but why not calico? You've got a mix of brown, grey and yellow going on!
I'd probably be a snake. I'd love to go with the idea of being a cat, but I suppose in a lot of ways I can equate a lot of snake behaviors of cat behaviors. Napping in the sun, being territorial, Sleek moves.
In Germany people sometimes comment on delicate looking peoples picky eating habits as "eating like a bird". If you're fat though then you're dieting like damn right you should.
I do think that you have something of a birdlike quality which might come out in the way you move. But more a big graceful bird like a crane or maybe a falcon.
Personally I prefer cats as well, though.
I've seen a thousand skirts like that out thrifting, but always worried they'd look dowdy on me. This one is marvelous, especially with all these other pieces and textures.
Oh, and I'm a North American Badger. All the way. It's my totem animal.
If I'm an animal I'm Kevin from 'Up.' Hands down.
love the outfit. Awesome scarf and plaid skirt. The whole thing fits together nicely.
I'm a crow! Caw!
I love the shape of that cardigan.
I'm currently a sloth, but I'm trying to change that.
I LOVE this outfit.
I really like this a bird or not. Especially love how u draped your scarf. How do you do that?
I think I might be a cat too! Even though I seem to like dogs better. My husband is definitely dog-like: loyal, extrovert, full of energy! This was should do more animal/nature inspired outfits.
This is a really great outfit. It shows your knack for colour combinations, be they bold, patterned or neutrals! No surprise, I consider myself a cat, witha side of Magie too!! oooohh Kitties..ooohhh Shiny!!
I'm most like a hyper, gangly puppy. Sigh. But hey! I love today's outfit :)
I thought I would wish myself red fox hard enough to be one, but have been dubbed squirrel. Ah well! Whatever I be, I be, but I will be it well. :) I really love your look today. Fantastic.
Great outfit, Kasmira. --- You're no one's bird...and if you took "offense"...give the darn thing back :)
I always hear that people look like their dogs and I think I match my oversize (but not fat) 30 lb. jack russell terrier.
I joke that my power animal is a hawk, just because I like to notice them on the side of the road during trips. I think being birdlike is flattering!
I'm either an otter or a wolverine, depending on mood... My friends and I actually chose animals for each other, along with our Dances With Wolves names! (Mine was "Easily Made Crabby".) Everyone in our wanted to be a dolphin, but the rule was that you couldn't choose your own animal!
I think a bird is a lovely thing to be, but cat is good too. You look fabulous in this outfit - those colors would never suit me, sadly.
A mean girl in high school used to say I looked like a bird also. You are way the prettiest sister.
Hey! I got my awesome sweater today :) It made for a lovely birthday present!
Very pretty skirt.
she looks stunningly beautiful. i love the whole packaging. she mixed and matches everything perfectly great. keep it up.
prom dress 2010 | evening gowns
Omg you don't look like a bird. People say the weirdest things, I had a lady tell me I look like Jennifer Garner. I took that as "You have a scary botox face" =/
Love love love that skirt.
I adore this outfit. That skirt is amazing!
You look as warm and sunny autumn! I like this outfit.
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