The scarf is of about the same thickness and length as the first attempt, but I've now wrapped it an extra time around the neck. The extra loop shortened the length of the scarf and also added some bulk at the neck to balance the extra fabric on my torso. I lowered the belt from my ribcage to my natural waist. The result is a little more balanced than my first try. (My hair seems to have grown a bit, too!)
I'm still not a total convert to the belted scarf look. I prefer wearing my scarves in the chi chi* wrap, but it's nice to have options.
*I've got plans to video record a chi chi wrap tutorial on Monday.
I like the idea, but it still looks kind of bulky. I've tried it too, and it looks the same. But thanks for the Chi Chi link - I'm going to try this tonight!
I'm not so sure about the look either, but I love the color combinations of both of the looks! The orange/blue one especially.
Not a huge fan of this look in general either. It just seems to bulky, and cuts up the body in a strange way. Love the color of the orange scarf though!
I'm also not sold on this look. Not specifically on you, lady, of course ... just generally. But, as always, I love your adventurousness and think this color mix is brilliant.
The scarf is beautiful. I like the look some of the time. I don't think it really has to do with a persons size or shape but more the color palette they're wearing. A from Acamedichic has done it a couple times I liked, and a couple other bloggers. I wasn't too impressed when I tried it myself, haha.
I actually love the second attempt. The color helps, but from a distance you seem to be wearing a very lovely shirt and I think that's an awesome effect.
I adore these colors on you, gorgeous!
I think it looks more balanced too and I love the color combo.
I think not having the scarf spread out so wide across also looks better. I noticed that difference between your first attempt and the photo you used for inspiration. The inspiration photo showed the scarf narrower (more gathered) across the chest. Yikes, what a long winded explanation. I hope it makes sense.
These scarves are killer.
I like how the belted scarf looks on you and other people I have seen do it, but I haven't done it because I feel like I will look bad.
I like this version better. I'm thinking the best version would be a scarf that is more long and very thin, making for a much less bulky outcome.
I just think a belted scarf looks odd--it's like tucking in a sweater or something. I think it would look much better outside the belt.
I think this looks really good. I didn't care for the first version but I think this works well but also because of the color combination.
I've tried the belted scarf lately as well and I think it can work, for just about everyone. The key is what you wear with it. It seems like in both attempts you're wearing several layers (ie dress or skirt, shirt, seater) I think the bulky nature of it would go away if you tried it over a single layer like a sweater dress. I treat it like a vest so I agree with making it narrower. I know you're not a huge trouser lover, and neither am I but it does look great over an Oxford shirt with a nice pair of slacks.
I think you look great here! I love the belted scarf look.
here's me trying it:
I do like this look and have done it relatively successfully a few times. I actually think it works better for me than the chi chi wrap because I'm large chested.
Both of your versions are great, but I actually like your first look better in spite of the perhaps too lengthy scarf.
I'm not sold on the idea of the belted scarf thing, but I love the colourful outfit. :)
I think this version of a belted scarf looks better than the first - I like how the loop around your neck helps to balance it out.
I really like the blue with that shade of orange!
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