
Monday, October 19, 2009

Most Worn of Year Three

Year Three on What I Wore Today was the Year of Mustard. After studying all the pictures from year three and tallying the most worn in several categories of clothing, my mustard pumps, sweater, blouse, and purse all made the short list. Other than the mustard (and my multicolored faux Missoni dress), my most worn items were of versatile, neutral colors like brown, khaki, and black.

Most Worn Dress: my Missoni knock-off. I purchased this Lipstick brand dress from Body Central in late winter of 2007. I wore it eleven times during Year Three.

Not only do I love remixing this dress, but it was one of the cornerstone pieces for last December’s Wardrobe Capsule Challenge. I got three wearings out of it that week.

Most Worn Skirt(s): a khaki corduroy mini and a black gathered skirt. As you’ve no doubt gathered from my blog, I’m not a pants fan. I wear skirts to work and skirts to play, so I thought it fitting to list the most worn skirt for both occaisions.

This corduroy mini is by one of the Victoria’s Secret house brands: London Jeans. I’ve had it at least three years. I wore it seven times in Year 3.

The black Mossimo skirt is actually a fairly recent purchase (Target, spring of 2009), but it quickly became a wardrobe essential. I put mine to work six times in eight months. That may not sound like a lot, but when you have approximately 30 work skirts, six wearings stands out.

Most Worn Pants: Express straight-cut jeans. When I do wear pants, I opt for these dark denim, almost skinny jeans. I’ve dyed them blue-black twice and black (the last time) once. The dark color works for casual Friday wear and the slim cut balances loose or blousy tops.

Most Worn Sweater: mustard short-sleeved sweater. When I tried this on at Body Central, I knew this would become a wardrobe staple, so I bought two: one for work and one for play. I wore one of the two 15 times.

Most Worn Top: sheer mustard blouse. The mustard madness continues. This sheer, puff-sleeved blouse is from Target and I wore it ten times.

Most Worn Blazer: cropped tuxedo jacket. I rely on blazers to elevate my more casual outfits to a business appropriate status. This thrifted tuxedo jacket is unlined and made of a cheap, fuzz-magnet fabric, but the cut is so perfect that I wore it ten times. I’d love to have it duplicated in a nicer material.

Most Worn Shoes: high-heeled oxfords, mustard pumps, and brown boots. There were too many wearings of this footwear to create linked thumbnails for every outing. I wore the Isaac Mizrahi high-heeled, lace-up oxfords from Target a whopping 25 times. I wore the Delicious mustard pumps 21 times. Finally, my sturdy brown boots got 19 wearings.

By the way, only the boots are comfortable. The other two just look good.

Most Worn Bag: mustard purse. This bag was an impulse buy at Payless. I was at the store looking for shoes for the MacBeth witches and walked out with this purse and a pair of wedge loafers. I’m not consistent about photographing my bags, but this purse appears at least 16 times in Year Three. (The loafers also get an honorable mention with ate least 10 wearings.)

I’m not sure if the mustard trend will continue in Year Four. The yellow-brown looked great with my red hair, but not so hot with blond. Since my hair color change, the shoes and purse still get a good workout, but I’ve neglected the sweater and blouse. Because I love the color so much, I may have to purchase a pair of mustard corduroy pants to get my fix.


  1. Gap had some really cute mustard khakis on sale the other day...just saying..

  2. you know, i am a redhead fanatic, thats the only color i'll dye my hair (besides pink when im feeling wild) BUT, i honestly have to say, i LOVE your short blonde hair so much better!!

  3. I can see why you'd wear mustard more as a redhead (I am one)but I think you look great in it as a blonde too.

  4. What a fascinating post!! I'll have to puruse your other "most worn" posts (I'm assuming you've got them, since you are so wonderfully thorough). Youve created a really interesting, really useful archive! I love it.

  5. You look delicious in mustard. Love this post!

  6. Anonymous8:28 PM

    I've been craving the color mustard for several months now, and it pops out at me everywhere I shop. I must have caught the mustard-bug from you?

  7. Ooh, I love how you did this! I might have to steal your idea (I am coming up on 500 posts).

    I think you look great in mustard no matter what colour your hair is!

  8. That is so cool, it must be so neat to look back and see what pieces you wore the most.

    Also, about the blazer: You could probably have a seamstress take it apart, make use it as a pattern, and make it in a better material. And you could have it in many colours or fabrics.

  9. Your organization is so amazing! I love how you post countless examples of everything.

  10. That's kind of neat to be able to go back and see! All of your mustard days over the year inspired me to recently buy my own mustard colored purse and I love it!

  11. It's such a time-sucker whenever you do posts like these, because I'm compelled to stop whatever I was doing and click on every picture and re-read every entry even though I've seen it all before. But I enjoy it just as much the second time around.

  12. I love this post! It makes me see my clothes in a whole new light. Thanks.

  13. A fab idea to do a round-up like that.

  14. you have a great blog!!

    i just started posting daily outfits a week or so ago. Would you take a look at my blog and leave me a comment and let me know what you think so far? It'd mean a lot from a seasoned blogger like yourself!


  15. Congratulations on three years!


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