I recently checked out The Lucky Guide to Mastering Any Style from the library. The book reviews ten different styles. For each style, “essential pieces” are pictured, “lucky girls” embodying that particular style are featured, and stores that sell the components of the style are listed. I thought it would be fun, and a little academic, to try out each of the styles over the next two work weeks (my last two before vacation begins!) I promise this challenge will feature more variety than
last week’s. If you’ll bear with me, I’ll attempt Mod, Bombshell, Posh Eclectic, Arty Slick, and Euro Chic this week.
It must be so much fun! And I'm eager to see it, the WWC was a very interesting experiment :)
I love your challenges! I'm looking forward to seeing the results of this one. Kudos to you for always trying out new styles! :)
By the way, I'm so inspired by you and your outfits. Thanks so much for blogging about them!
I can't wait!
But I'm selfishly sad about you going on vacation. Even though mine starts a week from Wednesday. I will go into Kasmira withdrawal.
Oh I cant wait! I flipped through this in the bookstore and loved it! Im watching for a cheap used copy so I can own it myself and try out all the looks as well.
I saw that book in the store....I think this will be a great challenge. Can't wait to see what you come up with!
Ditto with the kudos for your creative flair and for sharing.
ARGH there are only three copies in my library system and they are all checked out...grrrrrrrrr...
I thought the book was way too complicated for my look; I took it back to the store after a looksy. Looks like you're doing well, though!
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