I was a bit vexed today to read one woman’s derision of wardrobe blog poses as “catalog.” She suggests ANTM style “high fashion or couture” poses instead. Personally, I’ve avoided much fashion photography inspiration because (a) those poses usually only look good on the very thin and photogenic (and require exacting lighting) and (b) the purpose of wardrobe blog photos is to display the clothes (just as in a catalog). Still, the criticism was rattling around in my head this evening, along with pressure from myself to take more interesting shots, especially as I prepared to go to my photography class. So, the result: you get my take on the Morton’s Salt girl and a poll.

Umbrella, Alexander Julian. Sweater, Mossimo. Tee, Steve and Barry's. Skirt, Billabong. Wellies, TJ Maxx. Earrings, No Boundaries. Salt, Morton’s.

When it rains, it pours.

I’m no longer in the running to become America’s Next Top Model.
Wow, that is not nice at all. My guess is that she is green from jealousy. Pure venom and jealousy. I think your "catalog" poses work because they do show the clothes off, and that is the idea. Although I would not categorize them as catalog, I would just say they are nice flattering poses. As for high fashion poses, many of them are so ridiculous and often you can't see what the clothes look like. I know they are trying to be all artsy and all, but common, ultimately it is about the clothes. So if you want to experiment, that is great, but don't let some jealous person get to you. We can always leave her lame comments on her blog. :-)
I voted other for one reason: I don't find your photos at all like catalogue photos. The people in catalogues always seem to look somewhat ridiculous, and awkward. Yours look natural and unique. You look like a normally shaped human who is enjoying themselves, and not contorting themselves into ridiculous poses.
Here's the thing -- personal style blogs are just that. You're showing what you're wearing. While fun poses can be great just for visual interest, I generally tend to ignore personal style blogs that are all about high fashion angles and poses. High fashion is kind of about a very, very specific aesthetic. Personal style is the individual application of inspiration to an everyday person's life.
I love high fashion blogs, but when I read personal style blogs, it's for more practical reasons -- I'm not stick-thin, I'm not 5'10", I'm not "ugly-pretty", and I don't have limitless resources.
Personal style blogs that are quirky are kind of fun, but I think a balance is important, and dissing any one subset of style blog is pretty rude.
Wow, just read that--how mean! I mean you're helping others be inspired by their clothing whatever that girl says. It's totally not obnoxious in the least. Also, your poses are quirky and cute. I can't imagine you trying to "smile with your eyes" looking like you take yourself too seriously. Keep up the good work!
Well, that was absolutely rude of her to say stuff like that, only one thing comes to my head: envy, GREEN with envy.
High fashion poses? seriously? what is this woman thinking. I much prefer to see natural poses, that really show off what you are wearing, the 'high fashion' blogs are SO so boring you have no idea. Not to mention the poses are awkward and ridiculous, they models look like puppets more than human beings.
And who told her we all wanted to compete and pose for ANTM? geez.
I love natural and refreshing poses, blogs as well as people. Who really (unless you are too much into boring type of art)wants to look at someone (usually) wearing ridiculous outfits that are not even designed for an every day wear? not me, and i am sure most women don't.
These people need to get over themselves, don't worry, you don't have to crack your head trying to think of more interesting poses to show off your wardrobe as being natural is the best pose for photography shots :)
Keep up the good work, you always look great!
Thought that woman was rude and that her comment wasn't even true. Your poses are cute and show off the outfits to their best advantage. I fail to see what's wrong with that, but there are always losers trolling around on blogs, I guess.
Ouch, I say, someone's been at the vinegar. But the point she misses is, no single blog will appeal to everyone everywhere. Personally I would far rather read what real people are wearing than view the 'latest' catwalk craziness. But that's just me. If you check out the rest of her blog, I suspect many of us won't be interested in the list of vocabulary words her little one has mastered. But she's proud as punch, which is fine.
Hey lady, if you don't like someone's blog, you don't have to read it...
To me wardrobe blogs and personal style blogs have nothing to do with high fashion and catalog-y blogs/ images. If I want to see that I will pick up a fashion mag. I come to your blog and others like it to see everyday styles of the average (or un-average?) everyday woman.
Also- your post today made me send it to my boyfriend. We have a daily Jeopardy watching ritual. And one of the answer (well questions actually) was the Morton Salt girl!
Keep Rockin Kasmira!
That lady's remarks were totally off base. I like your poses! Especially when you jump around and act crazy. It shows a lot about your personality -- I like it!
On a slightly different note -- I'm grateful that you share your wardrobe at all. That's a lot of privacy to be giving up, and you do it for fun and to share things you've learned with your readers. I think it's pretty generous of you. I get a lot of inspiration from your site! Keep up the good work and keep being yourself! :-D
Everyone's entitled to their opinion but for god sakes, her blog blurb says she's "waiting for Jack Bauer to save the world again." You like clothes, she likes TV and martini's. Really you don't exsist in the same sphere.
I think you'e wonderful and I like your poses! : )
You are absolutely hilarious!! The salty girl pose will have me chuckling all day. Keep your blog as is. I love your poses, you keep the backdrop interesting and the clothes are fierce. Hmph.
Oh my! Kasmira, I check on you daily and I have never left a comment but I must comment on this! I do not want to sink to her level so I will just echo what others have been saying "love your blog, love your fun poses & pictures, and I wouldn't change a thing!" I think you are courageous for having such an open blog! Constructive criticism is acceptable, but her comment was not nice at all! Poo-poo to the awkward, gangly high fashion poses and such! Keep doing what your doing girl!!!
Hmm, that person is also not willing to keep any comments on her blog that disagree, they get deleted.....pitiful people some.
You are wonderful and inspiring. Yours was the first fashion blog I came across and I was hooked instantly and had to find more and more of them until I suddenly had to set up my own!! I amongst many look forward to our daily dose of Kasmira (if you could bottle it you'd be loaded!). You always brighten up my day. Thank you.
Dude her kids wear baby crocs?!!?? she does not know fashion...
Ya know, that other blogger obviously doesn't understand your site at all. I say "amen" to all of the comments above mine and hope that you continue allowing all of us to peek into your daily wardrobe. I'm not into fashion at all, but I started reading your blog (and quite a few others) to get a little inspiration from REAL people instead of ridiculous fashion mags. Seeing how you work with color, proportion and layering has given me the incentive to ditch my practically all black duds (I'm an interior designer, what can you expect me to wear?!?) and venture out of my comfort zone. I know own trouser jeans, things with ruffles and purple shoes - all things I never would have purchased prior to reading blogs like yours.
The girl at Cinco Drive needs to lay off of her bitter pills and realize that not everyone has the same interests.
I am the author of cincodrive.
First I would like to say that Kasmira's site is on my favorites and I enjoy looking at it and seeing the fun colors and the fun poses.
When I wrote that post, I had not opened my eyes of the fashion blogs.
I have deleted the previous post and comments because when I write, I have NO intentions of hurting people nor what they have a passion for.
And for the record, the catalog and Next Top Model poses were not even in reference to this website. I never had even seen this site when I wrote the post. Only after someone sent me the link was when I started looking at it.
Ok. Now I feel bad. I didn't mean to direct any hate mail to another blog...just didn't want to quote anyone without a reference.
I'm over the imagined slight, so no need to rush to my rescue!
I'm more curious as to what kind of pics you like. :) So answer the poll and be nice.
Sorry Steph.
I voted “other”. I’m aware I personally do the more catalog poses, but my favorite ones to read, and the ones I would do fall more in line with the sort of goofy-but-pretty-and-fun stuff you do here. Other examples of the goofy-but-pretty-and-fun are:
“Just My Style” http://fashionablyalaskan.blogspot.com/
“Blue Collar Catwalk” http://bluecollarcatwalk.blogspot.com/
All three of you have a sense of motion, of fun, and of lightness that I would really love to learn to mimic and that makes your pages SO fun to read.
I needed that laugh...Girl!!! Do you!!!!
I'm curious - what blog discussion boards do you read...?
As for the photography - I figure as long as the picture shows the clothes well, then it works for me!
I do find high fashion photography on blogs wonderful and very interesting, but to your point - there are very few people who can pull it off. I also find your silly pictures fun and refreshing :) I say keep up what you are doing!
Honestly, I think your energy and personality come through no matter what style of photograph you go for. I'm amazed at how you look pretty even while jumping into the air or posing with a prop. Your "Morton Girl" picture is very cute and playful and made me smile.
I read your blog (and other style blogs) not for high fashion, but to get ideas about clothing combinations and colors that I'd never tried before. I've started documenting my own outfits even through I look atrocious in most of my first-thing-in-the-morning shots just so I can track my progress. It's not about high fashion so much as finding something that works for me.
Who the heck has time to do high-fashion poses? If I can get a picture in which I'm not slouching and I don't have a dumb look on face, I'm thrilled. But yeah, my favorites are your goofball poses.
StephVHorn, that was very big of you to come back and respond. Well-played.
Londyn - I found that comment on a personal blog.
Ooo...I adore those funky wellies! :-D
i like when you pose, but i dislike when sometimes people's posing gets in the way of the outfit. so both ways are good, in my opinion.
Okay, I'll admit I'm joining the party late and don't have a clue what all the hubub is about...but I have a pretty good idea from reading all of the very "spirited" and heartfelt posts:) --- Kasmira, to me, your blog isn't just about fashion. It's a lot more PERSONAL than that. Of course, you showcase fashion...but YOUR STYLE is the reason I'm a HUGE fan. Your unique way of presenting clothes, accessories, photography, USEFUL advise/tips, clever commentary, HONEST expression, compliments/credit, etc. makes WIW2D one of my FAVORITE blogs. It's always classy, down-to-earth, relevant and F-U-N. I know many readers say you INSPIRE them...and I agree 100-percent...but I also think you're very COURAGEOUS. It takes a lot of guts to put so much of YOU into your blog and stand ready to take the heat when you know it may come anyday...at anytime...and from anyone. What makes that special is...you don't HAVE TO do this, but you do it anyway. Your blog IS what it IS...and that's what makes it SPECIAL. Experiment, YES! (because that's what you do:)...but please don't consider changing things up because of comments from the "folks looking over the fence" or the ones doing "drive-bys". The tons of folks who visit your blog KNOW what they're getting and LOVE what you do. SEMPER FI, Marine! Your blog IS the cat's meow :)
I voted 'catalog', though like a poster above, I never really thought of your poses as 'catalog-y' so much as 'natural'. Personally though, the wacky poses are my favorite :)
word verification: scort
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