How do you define your style? Labels have been on the mind of wardrobe bloggers lately. S
wonders if her style could be called “preppy romantic.” The Clothes Horse
contends that personal style is a moving target. By the time we’ve pinned it down, haven’t we moved on to something new? I’ve definitely moved on from the “corporate look” that defined the early days of my blog.

Vest, Julie’s Closet (the twin of my
brown one). Dress, To The Max. Belt, thrifted.
Dead Old Lady shoes, Van Eli (thrifted). Headband, Urban Outfitters. Necklace, Anthropologie.

I struggle to describe my own style. I used to favor the term “eclectic,” but perhaps “whimsical” would be a more accurate descriptor. Eclectic whimsy?
My most interesting style experiment was to
try each of the ten styles in The Lucky Guide to Mastering Any Style. I came away from the project with an interest in Bohemian and Rock and Roll looks.
Grey Gardens arrives at my house tonight (via Netflix). Maybe Edie Beale’s style will give me a clue about my own.
i love the sleeves of that dress! this is an adorable outfit. :)
Please don't start wearing skirts on your head. Then you could be like Edie and define your style as just a bit crazy. ;)
Love the outfit! I was inspired by your theme weeks, so I am doing one of my own this week.
whimsical romantic. (yours)
Mine?? erm. not sure I can define it myself (too close to it)
I'm new to your blog & I love it! I like the term "eclectic whimsy", I think it fits you well! I also like the term, "dead old lady shoes". I'm a size 10, so I usually just have to walk by and admire those great shoes. You are so lucky you can wear dead old lady shoes!
This is so pretty - I especially love the back detail on the vest.
I don't know how to define my style - it changes so frequently.
I absolutely love that vest, and I think eclectic whimsy describes your style very well.
Fab. I've got a couple of these drapey vests, too, and never even thought to belt 'em.
I feel like I'm a complete style schizophrenic. I can go from grunge to total prepster in the blink of an eye and it's always been that way for me. In the past it used to bother me, that I couldn't decide on any one thing I liked, almost like an clothing identity crisis, but now I think it just allows me more options depending on my mood. You've played a big part in inspiring me to put more effort into it, however. So thank you!
I really like this vest!
The colors and draping are super, and I love the headpiece!
I think you are classier than what I think of as "whimsical"... I'd say you have successfully combined Bohemian and Rock 'n' Roll (with something of your own that is greater than the sum of its parts).
Just out of curiosity, what does your husband think of your looks lately? Compared with the earlier "you," you have changed your hair, you look thinner/more toned, and you seem more confident overall (though I always thought you looked great before anyway). Has he given you much feedback on your changes?
bekster - Mike and I are no longer together, so I don't know his thoughts on the changes.
This is SUCH a pretty look on you!
I love this outfit! That dress is a gorgeous color/style.
You have so come into your own unique style in the last year. I love it - whatever you decide to call it :)
This has got to be one of the cutest outfits I've seen on you!
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