Jacket, Mossimo. Dress, Express. Boots, Madden Girl. Sunglasses, Meow Meow. Earrings and brooch, vintage. Belt, Lucky Brand (consignment). Bag, El Paso Saddleblanket Co.

I think Jackson could smell the lingering odor of warm quick bread because he was awfully snuggly at picture time.

Too bad I couldn’t fit my egg white powder in here, too. I’m working on getting HUGE!

I adore big bags Kasmira. It keeps me from looking messy by carrying everything in one place. However sometimes I put things in my bag that I am not supposed to. Like the time I threw in a tupperware with lentil soup and it opened inside my bag...
I love roomy bags! While I don't always fill them, I like the option of being able to carry lots of things, or to stuff smaller purchases in there. And since I'm always with a large water bottle and a book, it's very handy.
Does the eggwhite powder have a flavor at all? How well does it dissolve? I'm looking for new protein sources and I haven't tried this one.
Love that brooch with that military-style jacket!
I blend it in a magic bullet and it blends up foamy and well. No taste that I can detect.
From sylscloud- I loved your Yosmite blogging and it is nice to see
your inspiring dressing again along with the environment you inhabit.
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