Brown jacquard jacket, Apt 9. Cream V-neck sweater, American Rag. Brown strapless dress, Newport News. Green/red/purple silk scarf, swap. Burgundy sash, NY & Co (from
my velvet dress). Green peep-toes, Wet Seal. Brown, ribbed tights, Merona. Exotic skin purse, Caprice (thrifted and vintage).
Detail without the jacket. This brooch is broken, so I sewed it to my sweater for the day.
I love the mix of fabrics and the layers on top. The broach is perfect!
I admit, I had to smile as I scrolled down my computer screen and saw your green shoes :) they make the outfit you kasmira.....very quirky (in a good way!) LOL
Love the brooch!
Adds a nice touch to the sweater! :-)
Super cool shoes!
Love the outfit ... but the shoes make it look clownish ... I's wear shoe that match your hose next time and then all of the focus would be on your face and beautiful broach.
I have to admit that i agree with the previous comment. I once heard that you should never wear hose that are darker than your shoes, and I must admit I've always agreed with it. But i admire your willingness to go out there ... I'm too safe!
Mmm, the shoes. I saw this yesterday and my thoughts were - I don't like the bright (or lighter) shoes with dark hose. But I don't like to leave negative comments and heck, what would I know - there has been a lot of it about lately. But since others have commented I thought I would ask if this the new look and are we just behind? What do you think Kasmira? Is it trendy or were you just trying it out? Did you feel comfortable wearing it all day?
I have a pair of tanish shoes with dark brown trim. One day I wore them with dark brown hose and feel uncomfortable all day.
Love the layering! Great way to get more use from a sleeveless dress,
So...regarding the shoes/hose:
First, I would normally think that it would be a terrible faux pas to wear hose or tights with peep-toe shoes. However, it seems to be a trend this season and, although it will look dated in a few years, I think it looks fresh. And what's the point of fashion if we can't laugh at past trends?
I didn't give wearing dark hose and bright/light shoes a second thought. I like the way the dark color showcases the vibrant shoe. Again, it's trendy. It definitely isn't leg-lengthening or slimming, but, sometimes, I just don't care about looking tall and thin. (Who says that has to be the point of dressing, anyway?)
I wasn't a bit uncomfortable. I've long since grown accustomed to people staring at my oddball outfits. As far as fashion goes, I only feel uncomfortable if (1) my clothing is inappropriately revealing or (2) it isn't tidy (i.e. it's dirty, has a hole, etc.)
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