Sunday, February 22, 2009


Poncho, Christopher & Banks. Turtleneck sweater, Charlotte Russe. Miniskirt, London Jean. Tights, Target? Boots, Diba. Earrings, Pangaea

I saw Godspell for the first time today. Again, the production was excellent but I disliked the script. It was an overly simplistic and childish presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The ending was disturbingly macabre. I did enjoy the vocal performances, costumes, dancing, and choreography. And the shirtless Jesus was blasphemously delish.


~Tessa~Scoffs said...

You're kind of rockin' a "John the Baptist" vibe. I saw Godspell waaaay back in the 70's when I was a kid and it somehow seems to fit more in the 70's collective consciousness. I agree the text is overly simplistic but I think it was possibly meant for those who had little or no background. I do prefer it to "Jesus Christ Superstar" but I can't quite put my finger on why.

Ok this is weird. Word verification is "cincali." Get it? Cincinnati-California!

Gosia said...

You look beautiful

Anonymous said...

This looks like you're trying too hard here. IMO, it's too much with the fur and the mini. I would go with one or the other.

Stephanie N. said...

I designed costumes for a production of Godspell for a theatre in Montana a couple years ago. The costumes were lots of fun (and the company housed us in condos at a ski resort, which didn't hurt!), but I agree... I was never able to get very into the show itself, in spite of the solid direction excellent performances by Equity actors flown in from around the country. It must have had more resonance when it was first produced. I saw a touring production of "Jesus Christ Superstar" for my first time a few weeks ago, and felt pretty much the same way about it. And Ted Neeley in a Jesus diaper... not quite so delish.

Adele said...

I want this outfit! Love it! :-)

Nana Erin said...

"And the shirtless Jesus was blasphemously delish."

Ahahahaha. Oh girl, I knd of love that you said that.

Anonymous said...

Not trying to be picky here but your lines on the tights are a bit crooked. haha Sorry, couldn't resist. You have amazing style fashion.