Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Be a Clown

Jacket, NY & Co. Blouse, Forever 21. Skirt, Moda International. Tights, Simply Vera. Peeptoes, Wet Seal. Faux-feather earrings. Ali’s Boutique.

A closer shot of the earrings and a truer representation of today’s colors.

These have been deemed my “clown shoes” by past commenters. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em, and just “be a clown.”

Truthfully, clowns kind of scare me, but I do know two people who’ve been to clown school. As long as I don’t have to face them in their rubber noses and giant shoes, I’m okay.


Kim said...

I'm not quite sure why people think those are clown shoes, but okay. People are kinda weird.
I love these blue/green colors on you - I wore the colors yesterday before I even knew this was theme week!
And the earrings are gorgeous!

Sheila said...

I love these colours on you! The shoes are a shade of green that I associate with the 80s, but you make them work.

FJ said...

Fun outfit!

The Olive Creative said...

I love these shoes...if someone wants to call them clown shoes, then they can send me to the Barnum Brothers....

Cathryn said...

I love those peacock feather earrings. They're perfect with this ensemble.

Does that green blouse have seen-through cut-outs right across the chest? They look DANGEROUS.

Kasmira said...

Cat - the blouse is sheer beneath the bib. I usually wear a tank underneath but I thought the jacket would cover the sheer bits today.

Shen Dove said...

Cute outfit, I love your shoes! Green is such a cheerful color.

Katy said...

I love this outfit! This theme week is already shaping up to be amazing.

Ben Varkentine said...

I always feel compelled to say this about outfits I don't like as much:

I make no claim to know anything about fashion.

But to me, those look like items that while each individually good, don't quite go together.

On the other hand, I love the shoes, so go figure...

Jen said...

I completely love the fact that you know two people who have been to clown school!! That's awesome, i wish i knew people who had been to clown school, great outfit by the way :)

Anonymous said...

I like the outfit a lot, but I'm just not a fan at all of black sheer hose. And isn't it way too cold to be wearing open toe shoes? I love the color of the shoes, but maybe the reason people see them as clownish is the platform? Great color combo and I LOVE the peacock earrings. You inspired me to find my own pair :)

Kasmira said...

Sara -

The hose are actually gray fishnet - but they DO look like sheer black in the photos.

I wear socks, pants, and galoshes outside: http://whatiwore2day.blogspot.com/2008/10/bus-bundling.html

The McCrays said...

love this outfit.