I read over a hundred style blogs and the green-eyed monster often rears its ugly head. There’s plenty to be jealous of: clothes I can’t afford, fabulous locations, better cameras, incredible hair. But I’d trade it all to make people laugh.
Tunic (worn as a shirt), Wet Seal. Skirt, Herman Geist (thrifted and shortened). Shoes, Nine West. Necklace, The Mustard Seed. Bag, Massini. Sunnies, Girl Props.
I might not be funny, but I thought this outfit was sort of like one Kendi would wear. And Beefy did a good job of making me look tall.
Photos by Beefy Muchacho
I adore your pattern mixing. Today I am attempting my own. Yikes! And by the way, you're quite funny.
Love the backdrop, and your hair is so beautiful, especially with that earthy outfit. it's very sophisticated!
If it makes you feel any better, your blog and outfits make ME very jealous with pretty much every post!
I, too, would give {almost} anything just to be mildly amusing.
But you are supremely inspirational and that hopefully counts for something! :)
I took a look at kendi´s blog, but I prefer yours. I think its because you wear clothes that most people dont dare to wear. And thats interesting and it´s fashion. And Im not being jealous of Kendi ´cause Im a young and good looking girl too...and modest haha
That purse is fabulous!
Kendi is hilarious, but there is still room in my heart for your blog. I'd say you're one of my favorites. :)
I get jealous of other bloggers occasionally. I try to focus on what I can uniquely offer. Sometimes it helps.
I'm a Kendi reader too, but in my mind, no one does it better than Kasmira when it comes to print mixing. You rock!
Hi Kasmira,
I love Kendi's blog too - it's hilarious (although I've never told her that - must do). And even though yours was one of the very first fashion blogs I started following, I've never told you how much I love your blog. I think you're very funny and I love that you never seem to take yourself very seriously. I live vicariously through you at times because I can only wish I had the courage to dress like you do. I have a pair of bright yellow shoes I love, but haven't worn because I might shock the people of my little village!
shut it you always make me laugh!! and I'm jealous of you so there. this is one of the first blogs I started reading, like ever I never used to understand the point of blogs. Oh gosh, don't even get me started on myself.
I love your blog, so keep up the good work and adorableness xoxo
I know that most of the comments people leave are about how fabulous, great, funny, etc you are (I agree), but I actually have a question. How did you come up with today's outfit? I just do not understand the pattern mixing, and I would appreciate your thoughts on it.
You remind me of Lucille Ball in this - one of the best funny ladies ever, but she also expressed herself through her appearance so well.
I adore your blog, Kasmira - you're still my favourite.
Love the way you mix pattern and color- I am not a fashion blogger but enjoy your blog and 2 other fashion blogs - why- you and the other 2 focus more on dressing for you and not following the current trends. I was amazed at the number of ways you styled your navy and white target dress. As a homeschooling mom - I don't often dress up and I AM inspired by you- it also helps that I am built similiar to you. Love the red hair by the way-also follow bc you are a positive person
Liking the honesty! I hope we all kinda bring different things to the table. Your blog was my first, and I actually blew up a photo (in your Hawaiian dress) and put WWKW ? below it. I really am not a stalker ;) but you gave me the drive I needed to get back into the game of life during a mid-life "change". I got off the couch, slapped on some lip-stick and got out some outfits to play with. It may seem trivial and a bit "over-stroked", but you helped me out when I needed it, and u didn't even know! So there! Your "style" is more than a great camera, or terrific new dress all wrapped up in a funny, devil-may-care package! ( I still have dibs on the Hawaiian dress ;) Ha! Also,(rambling) your style is very unique and inventive.
Well, I love the things you write and your own personal style of doing things. I think you are beautiful, stylish, and funny too; especially when you make silly faces in your pictures. You are wonderful just the way you are.
Angela - this outfit was the product of a rushed morning. I hadn't preplanned an outfit for the day. I took a look at my idea book and decided to pair the checked tunic with a black skirt. I opened the closet, saw the floral skirt, and decided to wear that one instead. So, not a lot of thought there, just the derring-do of a woman in a hurry!
Marie McGrath - ah, funny faces! I can do that!
Thanks, all, for the support!
OMG you are totally channeling Kendi! I love her... completely hilarious every freaking time, and gorgeous to boot.
and you, my dear, are a favorite blogger for me to come visit. your outfit creations are like masterpieces and are so incredibly YOU. kinda hate you, too, come to think of it! ;)
You make me happy every single time I come visit. For whatever that's worth...
Yours was the first style blog that I started reading, and I think you are a fantastic writer - very witty. And I don't know about tall (I can never tell from pictures), but if one was to hate on people for being thin, pretty, young, and stylish, I'd say you'd be pretty damn hate-able.
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