My recent running injuries may have been one of the best things to happen to my style and health. They forced me to buy, and wear, more sensible shoes. When I’m wearing a low, chunky heel, I don’t dread the walk from my car to a salon. My 30 lb bag seems to weigh only 20. Inventorying a color bar isn’t a torture session. I think I’ll make a habit of purchasing shoes I can walk in.

Vest, AC-3998 (cut from a thrifted jacket). Dress, Cut 25 (consignment). Boots, Steve Madden. Sunglasses, Target. Bag, thrifted.




On my (very comfortable) walk down K street, I took a picture of the "Kay" sign.

Nice, isn't it? I still wear heels on days when I don't have to run around, but I much prefer my flats or 2" or lower heels when I need to really be on my feet. I love seeing you in these fun shoes!
Great! Now I'm going to end up coveting shows in addition to bags. ;} I haven't worn true heels in years and love a good chunky heel or supportive flat. I'm looking forward to what you find!
I'm really liking this dress and jacket combo. Not sure I could pull of horizontal strips on my hips as well as you, but I can always aspire. :)
I'm with you! I'm trying to find a black sandal with a lower, chunkier heel for summer. Not only does a stiletto sometimes look ridiculous in casual Alaska but it's really hard to walk with all the leftover gravel on the ground (they don't use salt or chemicals on the roadways). My ankles are thanking me for making the switch!
I have a question for you! So fishnets were my 'corporate' staple for years, I have many different shades. Nude are my favorite.
I know you sometimes get tights from We Love Colors, but have you tried their fishnets? Is it me, or do their fishnets go on ugly and cling to everything?
maybe its just me....
I haven't tried the WLC fishnets. I think all my nude nets are Simply Vera from Kohl's. I have noticed that certain runs of WLC opaque tights are less smooth and more clingy than others. Perhaps that is the case with the fishnets, too?
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