Saturday, April 12, 2008

Gas Jockey

Shirt dress, Forever 21 (thrifted and dyed). Striped tank and gray leggings, Mossimo. Gray long-sleeved tee, Bitten. Cowboy boots, Playhouse. Gray knit cap, gift from my MIL. Jade pendants, Phai’s House of Jade auction. Movie belt, some department store.

I always find Mike’s reactions to my outfits amusing. He named this one “gas jockey.” I guess the dress’ new color does make it look a bit like a coverall. Fill ‘er up!

I was taking a picture of my striped tank and jade pendants when Mike caught me. He said “no cleavage on the internet!” so here is the censored version of the detail photo.

Edited on 4/14/08 to add belated necklace detail:


Shannon said...

That second picture is hilarious!! I have been lurking on your blog for a while and that pic inspired me to come forward and comment. Too funny!!

Alexandra said...

Censored cleavage - too funny!
(Another lurker delurking.)

Anonymous said...

I'm not a fan of this look. There's just too much going on. I admire you for having your own style though.

Anonymous said...

i love that i asked for mike, and mike appeared! i mean, i can't see what he's wearing, but i appreciate your taking care of the fans. and i look forward to the men's fashion special!

Ping said...

That would be awesome if you made a shirt like that, with Mike on it with the caption "No cleavage on the Internet!"

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha! That's a great picture!

Sara said...

mike's appearance.....too cute!

Kim said...

Great idea on putting his picture on you! He sounds like my hubby, a little. You look very cute and casual.

divasoul said...

I'll have to de-lurk (unlurk?) too and say that second picture is hilarious!

Always In Style said...

love this look, love your style!

Anonymous said...

Too me this outfit looks too "young" like you're trying too hard to look like a hipster or something. I think it would look better without the hat.

Anonymous said...

Best. Censorship. Ever.

Anonymous said...

i agree with the young comment, and this look borders on homeless a little. losing the leggings might fix that. and the boots kind of come out of nowhere.

if my husband ever told me i couldn't do something as harmless as show a little cleavage on my own blog he'd be riding the couch for a while.