I recently received some interesting reader mail about the yellow wall I often use as a background for my indoor photos:
I wanted to drop you a line because I have to admit, I don't enjoy your yellow wall. Well, it's not the yellow wall that I don't enjoy, I appreciate bright happy colors on walls, it's the way it looks behind your outfits. I understand your journey through finding the right background colors to contrast behind your outfits and I liked your "How To" on "Photograph Your Outfits" but recently you've been using the yellow wall and I find myself less enthralled with your outfits on those days. I think that the severity of the color on the wall detracts from the brilliance of your outfit and I doubt that's an ideal outcome for you.
- Persnickety Penny
Even if you all hate the yellow wall, I don’t promise to stop taking pictures in front of it. However, now that I have some daylight in the evenings, I’ll be taking more of my photos outside, so you’ll get some relief from the Golden Cricket hallway.
It's ok for some outfits. Not so good for:
I'm looking forward to more natural light, but understand that'd difficult in Winter.
I love the wall and appreciate that there are sometimes limited places to take our photographs. Damn that the sunniest room in my morning is my kitchen!!
Sometimes when you have creams or natural colours it doesn't let them spring out of the photo as well .. but I don't care, I love the walls, and I always love your outfits. I know even if the flash didn't go off, the lights broke and you posted a fuzzy picture with only your teeth showing that the outfit would be FAB!!!
So while it's not always perfect.. your clothes are!
I know I've probably said enough, but I want to say that I love your other coloured walls too. Especially the rose coloured one. Do you still have the green wall? Also, the wall with "The Kiss" on it is looks so "royal" to me!
Like others have said, the yellow wall is great for some outfits, not so great for others. All of my potential outfit backdrops are pretty garish compared to any of yours. I think you're doing great. And lighting there is nice.
But, who cares about that backdrop right now? You're wear zebra and leopard prints at the same time... this is reason to celebrate!!!
Sorry, meant to write "you're wearing," not "you're wear."
I like the yellow wall. However, given that it is such a strong hue, it tends to cast a yellow glow over everything in the frame. Your skin tone ends up kinda washed out and the clothing color isn't well represented. Perhaps some bright lights and/or an upward facing flash could put you in the right lighting while still keeping your yellow wall. :)
Yellow cast or not, I still think you look marvelous!
Forget the wall, I love that dress!
Love the outfit!!!!!
I must admit that I am not always a fan of the color cast on some of your clothes.
Well, it looks as if most people already said what I was going to say. Sometimes the yellow wall is a great compliment to you and your outfits, but other times it seems to mute out the outfit (does that wording even make sense?). Anyhoo, muted picture or not, natural light or yellow wall, you always look amazing!
What Vanessa said. If the dress you are wearing today is actually bright white and black, than it's totally not helped by the yellow wall. It makes the dress look beige and black. Of course, if the white stripes are actually beige, than you're fine.
If I were you I'd start messing around with the white balance settings whenever I use the yellow wall.
Pfft, whatever. Throughout a day, you're going to be against many different backgrounds and lighting conditions. They don't always have to be perfect for your blog.
Love the outfit - the mix of zebra and leopard is fab. Are those new shoes?
All - thanks for the feedback. You've prompted me to buy an external flash for my camera so that I'll have more lighting options. I have a $100 gift card burning a hole in my pocket.
Sheila - the shoes aren't new new. I got them in December, but this is the first time I've worn them without dark tights beneath.
I've got a yellow wall, too, and shy away from doing outfit shots in front of it. The yellowy cast can get a bit overbearing.
Love those animal prints together - such a kicky pattern mix.
A lovely dress!
I'm not sure if you use twitter, but there was a call today from user Garyvee...he is looking for fashion bloggers and I thought of you. http://twitter.com/garyvee/status/1355738243
I've taken some pictures in front of my yellow wall and am never quite sure how it affects the outfit...so I'm undecided on that front.
I do, however, have an opinion on your great pattern mixing today! Great job of pairing two different animal prints together that don't compete but actually play off really well against each other!
We've been playing with pattern mixing all week on our site, I don't know if you got a chance to see it, and I think this is a fabulous example of great mixing! S.
I always wondered how you managed to get such bright, detailed indoor pictures and if the yellow wall helps, stick with it. If it ain't broke...
I always think your photo's look great - there always so clear and bright - mine I have to take about 50 to get a decent one!!
I always have white doors behind me as I have nowhere to rest my camera!
LOVE this outfit!!! Especially those shoes!
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