I asked Mike what he thought of my outfit and he said, “It’s cute.”
I said, “No, no, no. Tell me something funny! My readers love to hear what you have to say!”
“Okay, you look like a flying monkey.”
“From the Wizard of Oz?”
I guess it was the jacket.
I tried the smokey eye thing again, but used a deep blue-green instead of black shadow and was more conscientious about using a highlighter at the inner corner and along the crease. I liked it better this time, but Mike said it looked as if I had been “playing in Mommy’s makeup box.” What do you think? I’m going to try it again next week, with only browns. (Bear in mind that these pictures were taken at the end of a work day that included teaching a killer aerobics class. I'm kind of smudgy!)
(Sorry the last picture is so awful! I just can’t bear the bright light outside. I squint to matter how hard I try not to.)
When I saw the first picture I actually thought your makeup looked lovely! I really like this outfit and hair, although I feel like your effort to de-formalize it may have gone awry with the small earrings. Longer earrings may help make it look more casual, but overall I love the look!
So freakin cute! Love the look :)
I like the eye makeup, at least from a distance. Mike sounds like a fun and supportive DH. You're a lucky girl.
Love the eye makeup--very pretty! Did it stay on all day?
Was this the Friday outfit? If so, what happened to Thursday? Take a day for your marathon training or rehearsals? With your schedule it's a wonder you have time to blog at all. And FWIW, I'm not big on the smoke eye...your natural beauty doesn't need that much enhancing.
Your makeup looks great.
You have the prettiest eyes that Ive seen in my life!!!
Ohh, there's the chignon! Very cute...on both the hair and outfit.
AloEnd - This is Thursday's outfit. I messed up the date stamp! Fixing it now.
Anon - Yes, it stayed on all day. I took these photos at about 6 p.m. and applied the makeup at about 6 a.m.
I absolutely love this! Also, I would have never thought of the monkey thing on my own, but I get it.
cute belt! really, the whole look is cute. but don't be so down on yourself! when you point out flaws, it makes everyone else notice! besides, you don't even look that squinty!
I love the paintbrush accent!
I am afraid of those monkeys!
i love the flying monkey reference! so cute! u look good in almost all of your outfits so it's no surprise.. u looked pretty in this =) and i agree u do have pretty eyes... the eye make up however...hmmmph keep trying?
You look lovely! Love the look and the make up too.
Now THAT is the way to wear your hair up! I like it much better this way. I think the ponytail + headband look you have worn in the past is kind of sloppy for the texture and length of your hair. Not quite as neat, but still pretty. Headband + ponytail style is more fitting for very long, thick hair. But THIS look is VERY sleek for you. Great choice!
A great do makes any outfit better!
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