I had to think long and hard about this one. This shirt is my only truly purple clothing item. I considered pairing it with an orange tee, cardigan, sweater vest, or jersey dress but rejected all those options (and it was just too hot for my orange sweater). I was staring at the dress on the In Style page, wishing I had something like it, when I remembered I had bought this dress at an Irish festival. I’ve only worn it once before because it’s too roomy on top and the skirt is too long. Now I’m considering having it turned into a shorter skirt.
It’s a shame that I so infrequently wear such a super swirling skirt.
I do that in my swirly skirts!
Great combo with the green additions.
Fab juicy colour combo. I may try something to cheer up the rainy skies we've got in the UK at the moment.
Love to see other people enjoy swirly skirts!!! I've the Sanur jersey dress from jcrew (doubles as a skirt) and love to spin. Who cares if I'm not 6 yrs old? I love it!
Eeeeew ... I think you really missed it on this one. I think this looks just awful ... and I wish you would get rid of those green shoes ... I can only remember one outfit in recent times where I thought they were attractive.
i dunno, the green shoes are unexpected but unexpectedly delightful. for me at least, they work with the outfit.
I quite like it with the green accessories, but it looks cool with bare feet too! Love the swirly pictures!
Love everything. Beautiful. I don't think you need to shorten the skirt, though. The longer skirt draws the eye down to the shoes. And the pattern on the skirt is lovely.
This is a funny coincidence: I'm wearing orange and purple today (http://lemon-grove-avenue.blogspot.com/2008/06/daily-outfit-n-stuff.html)!
I've always thought they pair well together, and I think you should add more purple to your bulging closet: we redheads look great in it!
i never really thot of pairing red with purple. i only recently started pairing turquoie with lime green (cuz of u) heheehe... maybe i shd try this colour combination sometime..
maybe it wud have been nicer if u had some purple designs on your orange skirt..cuz it looks a bit clashy to me.. =(
and the green shoes... i'de never wear green shoes with that outfit cuz it looks like it comes out of nowhere.. so i agree with beanie.. the bare feet look was way less distracting. but u know.. u make any outfit look cute. even the time where u made a "mistake" wearing the tween skirt. i actually thought it was cute. so go figure!
I usually love your style, but I'm definitely not crazy about today's outfit. I love the purple top, the necklace, and the belt, but the skirt and shoes throw the outfit WAY off, IMO.
Spicy, Spicy - love the shirt and dress together. I think a lot could be done with this skirt, so I hope we see it again soon!
Mira! I got you a present. It will be beautiful. I'm going to mail it this weekend so expect a package of joy and happiness!
Please do not alter the dress! I don't think it's too long at all, and the top of it (in your older picture) is beautiful. It would be a terrible shame to change it.
You should wear it with some light colored sandals (nude or white) with very high heels. As you have said before, that might make your legs look longer.
The first thing I actually noticed was the hair clip (or the effect of the hair clip, rather). Pulling back that bit of hair and allowing a strand to flow down the side of the face looks great on you.
I also actually think the purple and orange work in this outfit because the red hair helps to unify it.
For me, I have to agree that the shoes don't really go with the outfit...but maybe a darker hunter green shoe and purse could blend/coordinate better with the belt and necklace?
Last, how shall I put this? It really upsets me when people are mean-spirited with their comments. For one, I think Kasmira is a decent person and doesn't deserve it and, two, I visit this blog every day for cheerfulness, creativity, positivity and inspiration- not for, well, mean-spiritednss?
Sure, you can disagree (I've commented before that the green shoes seem a bit off sometimes, too), but why the need to be mean-spirited?
Well I thought the skirt was cute - reminds me of a duvet we just got in from an italian mill - I'll have to take a snap shot. I think the green gives it a fun pop.
Hmm, where should I start?
The dress is GREAT GREAT GREAT and there is absolutely no need to shorten it.
The rest of your outfit would look lovely with, say, A-line khaki or cream skirt.
But plum and orange together, plus brown and green accessories... There is so much happening in your outfit that we see the clothes and not the person.
My $0.02: I love the purple and orange. I don't love the green shoes BUT it seems to work. I think that is because every spectacular flower still has a green stem. And I don't think you should shorten the skirt; I think it is a great length. If it were a heavier fabric I would agree that it should be shortened, but the pattern combo makes the length interesting. Probably not a typical 9-5 skirt length, but so what?
Finally took a picture of that white background with paisley orange detail sham from italy:
Sory - could not get the whole url to be placed in:
The green looks turquoise to me on my screen and I like turquoise and orange together. That skirt is a thing of beauty.
very interesting combo. the green stands out, while the dark pink with the brown tones keep it balanced.
ur hair goes with the orange of the dress. creative!
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