Thursday, February 12, 2009


Velvet blazer, Cami. Skirt, 4th of July flea market in Longview, WA. Boots, Rampage. Earrings, World Market. Bag, Apt 9.

Today’s outfit was inspired by EJ who suggested I pair blue-green and burgundy. Thanks, EJ! I'm sorry I didn't get around to this pairing earlier.

Ah, yes, how I love to post pictures of my ass on the internet.

And pics of my new boots! Time to update the wishlist.


Alison said...

Very pretty! I was wondering when you would find your pointy toed black boots. Great find I love the tie/bow on the ankle.

Anonymous said...

those boots make me want to say "yarrrrrr matey!!"

Kim said...

That skirt is out of control - beautiful outfit!!!

agus said...

What wonderful colours together!
And this burgundy jacket is beautiful :-)

Kasmira said...

evandine - I know! They are like femme pirate boots!

Sheila said...

I am in love with that jacket - wow, that is just lovely.

Awesome boots! They are totally pirate boots!

grace said...

What an amazing combo this is. I love absolutely everything about it. Especially the boots!

Adele said...

Just gorgeous!!

Anonymous said...

That skirt is lovely on its own, but even lovelier against the contrasting blazer.

EJ said...

Hey, I got my Google back! I love the outfit! Suggestion for yesterday's blue booties: cream thrifty minidress with matching blue tights. Or, if you can commit to overdying a pair of jeans a matching royal blue, that would be a nice, long leg-line. You rock!

Katy said...

I love this outfit - awesome skirt. :-)

Kayleigh said...

Super boots -- I'm totally in love with them!

Daer0n said...

The whole outfit is beautiful, i love those boots!

myrubyslippers said...

I love your velvet blazer - very military style. and your boots rock big time. nice combo!