I still enjoy posting every(ish) day. I love the writing and the photography. The actual clothes are just an excuse to be creative.
As I prepare to enter my 4th decade, I feel an obligation to represent the aging woman in the fashion and style blogosphere. Twenty-somethings are always going to look great in their Forever 21 pieces and skyscraper heels. The real trick is to dress an aging body and incorporate evolving style into an established wardrobe.
I also feel an increasing pressure to represent slow fashion. I want to role model environmentally friendly choices like secondhand clothing and ethically produced new pieces. I want to consume less, more consciously, and look good doing so.
I hope to inspire women to express their creativity, embrace their age, and make their world a better place for at least a few more years.

Vest, AC-3998 (cut from a thrifted jacket). Blouse, Newport News. Skirt, Talbots. Boots, Franco Sarto (consignment).

I think you’ll get to see this blouse and skirt a few more times.

I'm glad you aren't departing just yet! I'd love to hit my own tenth personal style blogging anniversary in six more years--I cringe a little bit to look back at my first posts and the outfits I put together, but you know, I liked what I wore and it made me happy, and it still does now.
I enjoy reading your blog daily and I really like your longer special-content posts! In particular, the Half Dome post was wonderfully written and I'm glad I got to read it. I don't know if you ever have pieces published elsewhere, but I can definitely see your pieces like that on The Toast, or The Hairpin, or Midnight Breakfast. Somewhere like that. Of course, if you just keep writing for your own blog, that's great too.
Thank you for your dedication to this continuing adventure! I often wonder how you make each entry something fresh and fun. But you do! Thank you for inspiring me.
Nope - don't hang it up yet! I've enjoyed your posts all this time and would miss you, you "aging woman!" You don't dress like one. :-)
As someone who has been reading off and on for 8 years, I would be so sad to see you go! You are one of the originals and one of the best. It's been fascinating to watch your style evolve over the last several years, and I still think your writing voice is very fresh. I am also keen to see you continue representing the "ageing woman" and the slow fashion side of things is a really important contribution to the blogosphere. Keep up the good work please!
I agree with all of the above - especially how it is so important to model fun and creative dressing for older people. I'm 57 and read your blog daily for the great ideas and sheer joy in your inventiveness it gives me. Plus I love your go-for-the-gusto approach to life and find that inspiring too. Please keep on keeping on. Your blog is one of the bright spots in a challenging time of life for me.
Congratulations on the blogoversary and thanks for keeping it real for so many years!
Congrats Kasmira!
I have been following for about 7 years and even though I dont always comment I do visit daily.
I really look forward to this new beginning on getting to the 4th floor - I just got there too !
Agree with what everyone else has said! I'm already in my 40s, but you have inspired me to dress body and personality appropriate, and to have fun while doing it. I have taken risks I wouldn't have taken before, and I've discovered the joys of thrift shopping!
So happy you're going to continue for a while. I think I still need a little more guidance, both fashion and experience-wise. While I may never hike Half Dome, I'm thinking of trying some new experiences because of you.
Happy Blogoversary!!
I hope you keep it up because I love seeing you each time your post. You do a great job of dressing for you and it's very inspiring. Thanks for doing it all these years and for the future too. -Susan
Love this outfit - glad you aren't ending the blog! And I love that wear things for years styled differently - I try to do that, too and people comment that I have a lot of clothes - untrue! Thanks for writing a blog that rings true like a friend and not "cashing in" like so many have started to do.
yes, please keep publishing. I am a living antiquity compared to you, but I enjoy being shocked by the irreverent pattern mixing (not in this post). A lot of bloggers run out of bright ideas.
I really enjoy your blog. It's the only style blog I read daily. You provide practical ideas for styling clothes and I love your sense of style and the fact that you take chances with your clothes. I would hate to see you go. I'll keep reading as long as you keep posting. Thanks for helping me break out of my style rut.
My heart stopped at the thought of you quitting the blog, luckily I kept reading and found you're sticking around a while yet. Whew!
Happy Anniversary! Yours was one of the first fashion blogs I found 6+ years ago. I can't quit you! Really enjoy your blog!
Loyal reader here who is happy to hear your not hanging up your hat, or camera yet! Love your blog! Thank YOU for being committed to keeping it going. Love your outfits and stories.
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