On Saturday afternoon, I finished writing my entry for the Inspirational Speech Toastmasters contest. I’d been working on it for weeks and thought I finally had it well organized and coherent. After some feedback, I had to admit that it still wasn’t ready to share.
I’ll be competing with a speech I gave last spring, instead (“Stop and Smell the Poop”). I’ll continue to let my newest speech ripen. I can’t wait to share it when it’s finally ready for consumption.

Sweater, Banana Republic (thrifted and gifted). Shirt, Jones New York (thrifted). Skirt, Mural (consignment). Leggings, Express. Boots, Ariat. Sunglasses, Target. Earrings and bag, vintage.
Usually, my speeches and essays flow from my mind, through my fingers, and onto the screen fully formed in one inspirational typing binge. It’s unusual for me to struggle. What’s your writing process like?

When I’m feeling frustrated, a Jasper snuggle always helps.