Silk knit top, Ann Taylor (thrifted). Skirt, Richard Malcom. Pumps, Colin Stuart. Charm necklace, thrifted. Bag, Franco Sarto. Scarf, Marshall’s.

How I love to wear
blue and green together! With this skirt, it’s only natural to match my top to the aqua ribbon. I found this tank at St. Vincent de Paul last weekend and immediately snatched it up for the lovely color and hand. (I love silk knits!) It’s a tad more vibrant than the ribbon, but the shoes are also brighter than the skirt, so it all kind of evens out. (Tucking the top in was an experiment. I didn’t like the look much.) Of course, my bare arms were quickly chilled in the air conditioned office, so I spent most of the day wrapped in my faux shrug, constructed by draping a wrap around my shoulders and tying it in the small of my back.

While at St. Vincent, Londyn and I rifled through the jewelry. Most of my thrifted jewelry comes from this store. As I stacked up a pile of potential purchases, I moaned over the unruly mess my jewelry collection had become. Londyn mentioned that she seldom saw me wear the same piece twice. I bridled and presented this charm necklace (also from St. Vincent) as evidence of repeat wearings. Upon further reflection, 10 wearings in nine months really isn’t very often. I need to step it up.

Green and blue is one of my favourite combos as well - I love the small pops of orange (cute brooch).
I tend to wear the same earrings over and over, but don't wear all my cool vintage necklaces, etc. that I inherited from my grandma often enough.
Love where you put your starfish pin. So creative and cute!
I love those shades of blue and green together, and I always love those shoes when you wear them.
I need your help.
Awhile back I mentioned you'd inspired me to start wearing vests again, and was lucky to find both a black and brown one while thrifting. The problem is I've tried them both on with different shirts and they look like crap. I'm at the high end of my weight scale right now, which means my boobs could take over Manhattan and I think that's part of the problem. Is there any type of shirt you can recommend that would help control those puppies? Today I purchased a minimizing bra, so I'm hoping that helps too.
I have a similar skirt in black with a pink ribbon and pink embroidered flowers. I wear a pink fitted knit top with it and while I don't particularly like tucking it in, it's the only way it works. That way the ribbon shows and I look so frumpy with it out. However, I think you look good with your shirt tucked in this skirt, so maybe mine looks okay too.
psudeokim - not being well-endowed myself, I'm not sure what the best solution would be. I would think that a vest with a deep V would be your best bet so that it doesn't squash your chest.
Is there something else about the look of the vests that you don't like?
I love the way vests look on YOU. One of my biggest complaints is a gap-py button shirt or vest and I think that's my problem. Over the weekend I bought a minimizing bra and that seems to have helped a little bit.
It's a sad fact that clothes hang better on smaller chests.
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