Hi Kasmira!
I just snagged a lace skirt exactly like yours (Target brand, maybe Mossimo?).......
Anyhoo, would you possibly do a post on what you like to wear with the lace skirt? I am considering a faded denim skirt, but that almost seems so obvious.
Honestly, I forgot all about this skirt, until Reva reminded me. I hadn’t worn it since February, because, even though it’s adorable, I find a little difficult to style. The elastic waist, while comfortable, is unflattering. The skirt’s “pooch” is emphasized by knit tees and tanks. In the winter, I obscured the waistline with sweaters. For summer, the only viable option seems to be a woven shirt. Denim, if you’ve got it. (I don’t. But light blue and white pinstripes are a close visual approximation.)
Shirt, Converse One Star (thrifted). Skirt and bag, Mossimo. Sandals, Aerosoles. Earrings, No Boundaries. Necklace, gift from The Magpie’s Daughter (I’m sorry his sweet little owl face isn’t visible in the photos!) Rings, vintage and shopgoodwill.com. Slave bracelet, vintage.
I wore my shirt knotted and tried to love the elastic waist. No dice. Next time, I’ll wear the shirt untucked, unknotted, and maybe belted.
Photos by Beefy Muchacho
My winter stylings:
A great skirt and as usual you are super creative with one piece~ now extra mad I didn't buy it.
Marie @ Lemondrop ViNtAge
Vintage ROAD TRIP giveaway
I have a similar skirt in black from Banana Republic. I've always had difficulty styling casually, I think it has something to do with the black lace-ness. Anyway, your idea of a chambray top is perfect, but too bad I don't own one. I do have a few button down tops that I'll try. Also, I love the very last picture, the one with the skirt and red and gray. It's a perfect look.
Complex Cardigans
I saw this skirt at Goodwill too, but unfortunately the shape and fit were just a no-go. Looks cute on you, though! I'm super into those rings, too, especially the chain ring. (I feel weird calling it a slave ring, although that's the term I've heard before?)
Thanks Kasmira!
We'll keep on trying!
I do like the one with the burgundy top and grey vest!
you continually blow me away with your outfits. i am in awe.
i bought this when it was at Goodwill! I too have problems styling it even though i LOVE it. Anything lace = I heart! I considered wearing it as a shirt...Do you think that might work?? and putting a cardigan over it, and maybe belt it. : )
I wore it this past winter also, with a knitted long-sleeve tee and a sweater. the "pooch" doesnt seem as obvious or else i dont care as much... Haha.
Sarah - I like your idea of the skirt as a top. Please send me a link or picture if you try it!
I haven't worn my Target lace skirt in a while, but I might have to try it with a denim top now. If I do, I'll be sure to give you credit!
such a romantic look - I love it :)
I have this skirt too! And yes, the waistband is a little weird. I wore it twice, once with a pink/brown/tangerine floral ruffly nylon top and sheer hose and once with a bright orange poly top printed with doves and silver-blue leggings. I love what you've done with it, especially the red poncho and red striped tops looks.
funny-- I so wanted this skirt when I saw it and knew every blogger I love had it. however, elastic waist skirts are my nemesis and I couldn't bring my self to buy it. :( I'll live vicariously through y'all!
I have the same style skirt in grey. Thank you for the styling inspiration - I especially like how you wore it with the red and white striped shirt and leopard tights.
My favorite personal styling of this skirt is to tuck in the shirt/dress I am wearing with it and to belt the waist. It helps hide any potential bunchiness (see here http://kimbercrafts.wordpress.com/2011/06/14/everybody-everywear-lace/).
I've also been meaning to try tying a scarf around the waist as a belt of sorts!
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