Hi, blogosphere. I'm Kasmira's friend Julie. I usually write a blog about
food but since Kasmira so generously
reviewed a restaurant for my blog, we thought we'd do What Julie Wore Today.
Of course, we pick the one day where I didn't really pick the outfit. The dress is from Forever Yours Bridal, which is sold by Bridal and Formal. This dress was a long time coming: I was the model for all of the bridesmaids (we decided that my size 10-12 frame was "average") and I think I tried on seventy dresses at two stores. This was the winner, after some drama with an unnamed store that ended up in the saleslady crying. Anywho. The dress is actually pretty comfortable and fairly flattering. I know Mike tells Kasmira that there's to be
no cleavage on the internet, but my boyfriend doesn't have the same rules. Thank goodness.
The hair was done by Lindy at Aveda Frederic's Institute. The students at this school are awesome-- my hair is normally stick straight and those curls lasted for two days. I now understand why women used to go to the hairstylist once a week for a shampoo and set. Enough hairspray, and it's not going anywhere.
I picked up the shoes the day before the wedding at DSW. They are Capparas, and are not dyed-to-match. They were on clearance and coincidentally an exact match. Practically miraculous, really, and I bought another dress at goodwill that should match the shoes! Yay.
The earrings were worn in my
wedding. I think they're now my official wedding earrings. For the record, I'm no longer married, but the earrings live on.